CTBT: Science and Technology 2017 Conference

    • 11:00 13:00
      CTBTO Youth Group Orientation Session 2h

      Speakers: Lassina Zerbo, Maria Chepurina, Ryan González

    • 11:00 13:00
      T2.2 Characterization of Events Through On-Site Inspection Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


      • 11:30
        Characterization of Events Through On-Site Inspection 15m

        Signatures that are anticipated to be observed of a nuclear explosion is adequately known to the scientific community via accumulated knowledge of previous events. On-Site Inspectors are fully equipped to pick site-specific observables through their thorough training. However, it would be rather peculiar to anticipate conventional observables in a clandestine nuclear explosion, as signatures would be concealed to a great extent. Pertaining the verification ease on events of the atmosphere and oceans, a clandestine test will be confined to the subsurface, which detection is a tedious affair. Considered the Treaty-accepted technologies, fixed and partially outdated, along with a degree of concealment that violator may apply, a conclusive OSI would be a great challenge on a clandestine event. OSI is partially denied for luxury of advancing technology, while a possible violator hardly obstructed for the same, keeping the OSI verification in par with would-be Inspected State Parties needs to be critically analyzed. Emphasizing the necessity of lifting technological barriers, synergy of Treaty-accepted technologies via a versatile set of Inspectors who are trained to think out-of-box manner, probably enable to unearth possible cause of an event which a request has been triggered. Where tools and technologies are inadequate, human intuition prevails.

        Speaker: Nalin de Silva (Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (GSMB))
    • 11:00 11:45
      T3.3 Remote Sensing, Satellite Imagery and Data Acquisition Platforms Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


      • 11:15
        Satellite-borne Video Processing and Reporting Techniques for Imagery Analysis 15m

        The availability of space-borne high resolution full-motion video such as Urthcast or Google’s Terra Bella offer new data sources for imagery analysts. These sensors capture up to 90 seconds of video over an area of interest in high resolution video. The videos are analyzed in industry-standard imagery exploitation software using specialized tools specifically developed for video analysis. Video may complement or enhance existing treaty verification analysis by offering more information for visual interpretation as well as offering additional input data to create digital elevation models. Because video may be used to show activities and motion on the earth’s surface, it may offer enhanced reporting methods for analysts. CTBTO’s International Monitoring System may use these datasets to cross-reference observations and the On-Site Inspection Division may complement this with their existing use of remote sensing. This presentation will highlight some of the existing processing and interpretation techniques developed for satellite borne video. Preliminary results show that elevation models from SkySat video imagery can recover height information of industrial buildings with a similar quality as satellite-borne sub-meter very high resolution optical stereo pairs.

        Speaker: Joshua Rutkowski (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
    • 11:45 12:30
      T3.6 Fusion of Data from Different Monitoring Technologies Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 12:30 13:00
      T2.5 Historical Data from Nuclear Test Monitoring Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 13:00 13:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Panel Discussion "Mobile Devices as Geophysical Sensors: Promising Paths and Blind Alleys" 1h 30m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Panel Discussion "The International Monitoring System: Challenges from Installation Through Certification to Sustainment of this Unique Global Network" 1h 30m
    • 15:00 16:00
      LUNCH 1h
    • 16:00 17:15
      T2.4 Atmospheric Background of Radioxenon Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 16:00 17:15
      T3.4 Geophysical Methods Applied to On-Site Inspection Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


      • 16:00
        Accurate and Efficient Viscoelastic Finite-difference Modelling for Analysis of Seismic Wavefields Applied to On-Site Inspection 15m

        Numerical modelling of seismic wave propagation and seismic motion in realistic models of local small-scale near-surface structures requires realistic physical models and sufficiently accurate numerical-modelling method. Realistic models may include non-planar material interfaces, smooth heterogeneities inside layers/blocks and frequency-dependent attenuation. We present an optimized FD scheme with a. reduced grid dispersion in sediments, b. more accurate discrete representation of an interface, c. more accurate representation of realistic attenuation. The reduced grid dispersion in sediments is due to an optimized FD approximation of spatial derivatives. The approximation combines the Taylor-expansion and dispersion-relation-preserving approaches. The resulting scheme differs from the standard (2,4) staggered-grid scheme only by values of two approximation coefficients. A new discrete representation of heterogeneous viscoelastic medium with material discontinuities is based on the assumption that an interface of two viscoelastic media with the generalized Maxwell body (GMB-EK) rheologies can be approximated by an averaged orthorhombic medium with the GMB-EK rheology and the optimal procedure for a joint determination of the anelastic coefficients and distribution of the relaxation frequencies for an arbitrary Q(omega) law. The improved numerical modelling will be applied to the set of structural models of an underground cavity after a nuclear test explosion in the vertical emplacement.

        Speaker: Peter Moczo (Comenius University Bratislava)
    • 16:00 18:00
      Workshop: "Best Practices for Social Media Advocacy" 2h
    • 17:15 17:30
      T2.3 Seismoacoustic Sources in Theory and Practice Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 17:15 18:00
      T3.1 Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


      • 17:15
        Strategies for Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield 15m

        A demonstration experiment was recently conducted in the state of Oklahoma in the USA to evaluate strategies for observing the full seismic wavefield, for events at local to teleseismic distances and across a wide range of frequencies. The experiment tested new instrumentation and deployment strategies, producing an open-use dataset for evaluating a range of array processing techniques. The field effort, organized by the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, used a crew of ~50 students and faculty to deploy 363 3-component "nodal" sensors along three seismic lines and in a seven-layer nested gradiometer array. The seismic lines spanned a region ~13x5 km. A broadband, 18 element "Golay 3x6" array was deployed with an aperture of approximately 5 km, encompassing the two nodal arrays. In addition, 9 infrasound stations were deployed to capture and identify acoustic events that might be recorded by the seismic array. We summarize the design considerations for the gradiometer and Golay arrays, along with preliminary analyses of the data. We examine the performance of the various types of instrumentation, including co-located surface and buried nodes, and co-located nodes and broadband stations. We present ground motion visualizations illustrating the wavefield complexity observed by these arrays.

        Speaker: Robert Woodward (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)
    • 18:00 18:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 18:00 21:00
      Poster Session: T2.2, T2.3, T2.5, T3.3, T3.4, T3.6 3h

      Topic 2.2 Characterization of Events Through On-Site Inspection
      T2.2-P1 A Standardized and Accurate Sampling Device for On-Site Inspection and Verification Purposes after a Nuclear Incident
      T2.2-P2 Analytical Procedures Developed by the IAEA’s ALMERA Network Applicable to the Characterization of Legacy Nuclear Test Sites
      T2.2-P3 Delayed Telltale Signature of an Underground Nuclear Explosion
      T2.2-P4 (Y) Determining Mechanisms of Ground and Surface Waters at "Balapan" Site of Semipalatinsk Test Site
      T2.2-P5 Geophysical Imaging of an Uncollapsed Nuclear Explosive Test
      T2.2-P6 Measurement of Radioargon and Radioxenon in Soil Gas
      T2.2-P7 Measurements of Ar-37 Backgrounds at the Nevada National Security Site
      T2.2-P8 On Site Carbon Dioxide and Stable Isotopologues Measurement to Support OSI Subsurface Gas Sampling
      T2.2-P9 PNNL-2: On-Site Inspection Capabilities – Examination of Laboratory Detector Response
      T2.2-P10 Revisiting the On-site Inspection (OSI) Concept of Operations in Light of Integrated Field Exercise 2014 (IFE14) and Inspection Team Functionality
      T2.2-P11 Semipalatinsk Test Site: Underground Nuclear Explosions Signatures in the Velocity Field on P- And S- Waves (for the OSI Purposes)
      T2.2-P12 (Y) Simulation of Shallow Subsurface Noble Gas Transport Using Subsurface Transport over Multiple Phases (STOMP)
      T2.2-P13 (Y) Use of Tritium as an Indicator of Underground Nuclear Explosion Venues at the STS
      T2.2-P14 Variations of Cs-137 Background of Global Fallout at OSI Site as the Signature to Search for Radiation Anomaly or the Artefact
      T2.2-P15 The Importance of Visual Observation to Guide the Application of Other OSI Techniques

      Topic 2.3 Seismoacoustic Sources in Theory and Practice
      T2.3-P1 A New Experimental Field Study of the Effects of Explosive Detonation Products on Seismic Radiation
      T2.3-P2 (Y) Analysis of Stress and Fault Orientation in Double Subduction Zone of Maluku Sea Region by Using Iterative Joint Inversion Method
      T2.3-P3 Combined Experiment and Numerical Modelling to Understand Response Near Chemical Explosions
      T2.3-P4 Compilation of Infrasound Ground-Truth Database Using Seismic Data
      T2.3-P5 (Y) December 7th Earthquake
      T2.3-P6 Dynamics of Reservoir Induced Seismicity in Aswan, Egypt
      T2.3-P7 (Y) Earthquakes Mechanisms in Egypt
      T2.3-P8 Estimation of Full Moment Tensors, Including Uncertainties, For Earthquakes, Volcanic Events and Nuclear Explosions
      T2.3-P9 Estimation of Source Parameters and Their Uncertainties of Explosion Sources Using Equalization Technique: “ Application to the SPE Chemical Explosions at NNSS
      T2.3-P10 Events Detected by the Indian Ocean Network of Hydroacoustic IMS Stations
      T2.3-P11 Induced Seismicity on the Territory of Kazakhstan
      T2.3-P12 Precursor Study by a Physical Model of the Ahar-Varzaghan Doublet Earthquakes (6.5, 6.3) 2012 at the Northwest of Iran
      T2.3-P13 Seismic and Hydroacoustic Observations from Underwater Explosions off the East Coast of Florida
      T2.3-P14 Seismoacoustic Effects of the Khubsugul Earthquake of 5 December 2014, Mw = 4.9, Mongolia
      T2.3-P15 Time-Domain Source Function (TDSF) for Nuclear and Chemical Explosions: Analysis Around Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)
      T2.3-P16 Seismic Source of Moderate Earthquakes in Colombia

      Topic 2.5 Historical Data from Nuclear Test Monitoring
      T2.5-P1 Kr-85 Monitoring in North-Western Region of Russian Federation
      T2.5-P2 Analysis of the Wave Pattern of Nuclear Explosions Records from Lop Nor Test Site by Central Asia Stations
      T2.5-P3 (Y) Measurement of Background Gamma Radiation in the Northern Marshall Islands
      T2.5-P4 Nuclear Explosions in the Eastern Siberia (the Former USSR) in 1976-1987
      T2.5-P5 (Y) Nuclear Test Explosions Recorded by Seismic Stations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
      T2.5-P6 Observation of Infrasound Signals from the 1920s
      T2.5-P7 Possibility Assessment of Determination of the Place of the Underground Nuclear Tests by Means of Artificial Radionuclides Presence in Groundwater with STS Example
      T2.5-P8 Potentially Dangerous Technogenic Objects at Semipalatinsk Test Site
      T2.5-P9 Some features of wave forms of seismic events from the areas of nuclear Asia Test Sites according to the data of AS60 seismic station (AAK, Ala-Archa, Kyrgyzstan)
      T2.5-P10 The Nuclear Tests in Ukraine (the Ukrainian SSR) in the Period of 1972-1979 Years
      T2.5-P11 (Y) The Precise Location of the Fifth Nuclear Test in North Korea

      Topic 3.3 Remote Sensing, Satellite Imagery and Data Acquisition Platforms
      T3.3-P1 Aerial Gamma Spectroscopy for On-Site Inspections in Winter Environments
      T3.3-P2 (Y) Airborne Gamma-Spectrometry Mapping
      T3.3-P3 (Y) Anomaly Detection in Remote Optical Imagery
      T3.3-P4 Detection of OSI-Relevant Features Using Time-Series Radar Imagery
      T3.3-P5 Ionospheric Waves Associated of Earthquakes and Nuclear Explosions Using Total Electron Content (TEC)
      T3.3-P6 Repurposing the Global Network of Radiation Portal Monitors
      T3.3-P7 State Provided GIS Data Sources for Treaty Verification
      T3.3-P8 Subsurface, Surface and Remote Observations of Legacy Nuclear Explosion Sites
      T3.3-P9 UAV-Based Mobile Gamma Spectrometry

      Topic 3.4 Geophysical Methods Applied to On-Site Inspection
      T3.4-P1 Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Closed Cavity Ventilated Inside
      T3.4-P2 Application of Radial and 3D Electrical Resistivity Electrode Profile Configuration for Improved Subsurface Imaging to Detect Anomalies/Artefacts related to Nuclear Testing and Explosion
      T3.4-P3 Application of the On-site Inspection Geophysical Techniques for the Detection and Identification of Subsurface Features
      T3.4-P4 Dynamic Characteristics of Soil Using Geophysical Techniques in Atbara Area, Sudan
      T3.4-P5 (Y) Experimental S-wave Data Acquisition and Processing Above a Tunnel
      T3.4-P6 (Y) Investigation of a Remediated Sink Hole with S-Wave Seismic and Geoelectric Methods
      T3.4-P7 Near Surface Geophysical Observations on the Great Cavern, Felsőpetény Testing Area, near Budapest, Hungary
      T3.4-P8 (Y) Resonance Seismometry: A Toolbox for OSI
      T3.4-P9 SAMS Software Functionality Enhancement
      T3.4-P10 Seismological Investigations of the National Data Centre Preparedness Exercise 2015 (NPE2015)
      T3.4-P11 The Guide for Tunnels and Voids Detection Using High Resolution Microgravity
      T3.4-P12 Use of Data from Seismic Measurements in the Kylylahti Region, Finland, in 2016 for Further Development of Geophysical Seismic Techniques for CTBT On-Site Inspections

      Topic 3.6 Fusion of Data from Different Monitoring Technologies
      T3.6-P1 CTBTO Generation of Synthetic Radionuclide Spectra to Support the NDC Preparedness Exercise NPE15
      T3.6-P2 Experience of Use Seismoacoustic Complex of MCSM for Monitoring of Natural and Man-Made Events
      T3.6-P3 Infrasound Detection of Earthquakes in Chile
      T3.6-P4 (Y) Integration Geophysical Network OVSICORI and Seismic Stations of IMS Network CTBTO
      T3.6-P5 (Y) The Application of Local Seismic and Infrasound Networks as National Technical Mean

    • 18:00 21:00
      Poster Session: T2.4 3h

      Topic 2.4 Atmospheric Background of Radioxenon
      T2.4-P1 Analysis of Data from an Intercomparison Between a SAUNA II and a SAUNA III System
      T2.4-P2 Considerations of Xenon-133 to Iodine-131 Ratios for Discriminating Signatures of Nuclear Test Explosions Against Normal Operational Releases from Nuclear Facilities
      T2.4-P3 Description and Analysis of CTBT-Relevant Xe Isotopes Global Background Between 2010 and 2016
      T2.4-P4 (Y) Experience as a Significant Tool for the Design of Gaseous Effluents Stack Monitors
      T2.4-P5 How Can We Use Atmospheric Radioxenon Observations Related to the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident at Fukushima to Better Understand IMS Observations?
      T2.4-P6 RA10 New Research Reactor for Medical Isotope Production in Argentina
      T2.4-P7 Radioisotopes Production in Argentina: Change of HEU to LEU and Improvements to Reduce the Emissions of Radioxenon
      T2.4-P8 Radioxenon Prototype Trap Validation and Controlled Source Experiments Under the EU Council Decision VI Project
      T2.4-P9 Reactor Simulations Characterizing Xenon Isotopic Ratios in Nuclear Power Plants
      T2.4-P10 (Y) Results and Outcomes in Xenon Mitigation under the EU Council Decision V
      T2.4-P11 (Y) Setting the 2014 Baseline for Simulated Activity Concentrations of Four Radioxenon Isotopes at IMS Sites Based on Estimated Annual Releases of Known Sources
      T2.4-P12 SIMPAX: A Prototype Software Application Simulating the Impact of Radioxenon Emissions from Civil Sources on IMS Stations
      T2.4-P13 Stack Release Data Analysis: Progress and Expected Outcomes
      T2.4-P14 Start-Up and Calibration of INVAP Stack Air Effluent Monitor
      T2.4-P15 Statistical Technique for Estimation of Global Isotopes Releases Affecting Test Detection
      T2.4-P16 The Determination of Radioxenon by the Study of Ratationally Ineslatic Dynamics
      T2.4-P17 Towards a Better Noble Gas Characterization Scheme Based on 10 Years of National Data Centers (NDC) Analysis
      T2.4-P18 Updated Worldwide Background of CTBT-Relevant Xenon Isotopes
      T2.4-P19 Use of IMS Data and Its Potential for Research Through Global Noble Gas Concentration Maps
      T2.4-P20 WOSMIP 6: Harvesting Results from Intensified Cooperation Between the Nuclear Explosion Monitoring and Isotope Production Communities
      T2.4-P21 Xenon Radioisotope Signatures from NPP Power Variations and Their Impact on the CTBTO Verification Regime

    • 19:00 21:00
      CTBTO Youth Group Mentoring Session 2h
    • 10:00 12:00
      COFFEE 2h
    • 12:00 14:00
      High Level Opening of the CTBT: Science and Technology 2017 Conference 2h

      Sanam Shantyaei, SnT2017 Moderator (France 24)

      CTBTO Welcome and Opening Remarks

      Lassina Zerbo, CTBTO Executive Secretary
      Michael Linhart, Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Ministry for Europe,
      Integration and Foreign Affairs, Austria

      Keynote Addresses

      Princess Sumaya of Jordan, President of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
      Maria Candida Pereira Teixeira, Minister for Science and Technology, Angola
      Pascale Ultré Guérard, National Centre for Space Studies, France

      Film on the installation of hydroacoustic station HA04, Crozet Islands (France)

    • 12:00 14:00
      Live Stream of High Level Opening from the Zeremoniensaal 2h
    • 14:00 15:00
      Panel Discussion: "Seizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges: The CTBT's Relevance in a Dynamic Global Context" 1h
    • 15:00 17:00
    • 17:00 19:00
      T1.5 Civil, Scientific and Industrial Applications of IMS Data and IDC Products Rittersaal (Hofburg)



      • 17:00
        ASHE V4R4: Acoustic Surveillance of Hazardous Volcanic Eruptions in Asia 15m

        The ASHE Asia project is an international collaboration between National Data Centers, operational agencies, and research organizations to improve early notification of potentially hazardous eruptions in Asia and the Western Pacific. The increased availability of open seismo-acoustic data in the ASEAN region and recent advances in mobile distributed sensors networks can reduce notification latency of hazardous volcanic eruptions. We use the IMS network in combination with established technologies and next-generation smartphone sensing systems to detect and characterize eruptions in the Asia-Pacific region that can inject volcanic ash at aircraft cruising altitudes. The Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI) is an operational metric traditionally used in the monitoring community, where a VEI 4 eruption injects ash above 10 km. The initial ASHE Asia V4R4 technical objective is to automatically detect and report eruptions with a VEI 4 and above within a maximum notification latency of 4 hours (~4,000 km range). We will implement standardized metrics to provide actionable reports with the eruption location, time, duration and VEI-equivalent energy. These reports would provide relevant eruption characteristics that can be used to trigger ash dispersion models by Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres or individual meteorological services for ash and aviation safety.

        Speaker: Milton Garces (Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Nuclear Arms Control Technology Program)
      • 17:30
        Quantification of Future Earthquake Hazard and Risk in Hindukush-Pamir Himalaya Using IMS Network Data 15m

        Seismic threat and related earthquake engineering dedications usually require evaluation of return periods or probabilities of exceedance of specific levels of design load criteria or extremal safety conditions. For the purpose, a comprehensive treatment of earthquake hazard estimation, Gumbel’s type-I extremes event probability distribution have been used to estimate designed earthquake recurrence times using annual extreme magnitudes. Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya and their vicinity bounded by 25–40°N and 65–85°E have been selected for quantify future earthquake hazard and risk. The result of analyses have enabled earthquake hazard that exist in the Hindukush-Pamir Himalayan belt to be quantified in terms of recurrence periods and probabilities of occurrence of earthquake of any given magnitude. Seventeen years complete and reliable earthquake data from June 13, 1999 to March 12, 2015 have been taken from International Monitoring System (IMS) Network setup by Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Vienna Austria. Study indicates that the most probable largest annual earthquakes are close to 5.5. The most probable earthquakes that may occur in an interval of 50 years are estimated as 6.6. The results are potentially useful for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in the region.

        Speaker: Daya Shanker (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
      • 18:15
        Using Social Media to Aid in the Refinement and Understanding of Seismic and Acoustic Ground Truth Information 15m

        Anthropogenic events of interest to the nuclear treaty monitoring community are typically observed seismically and in some instances acoustically. The number of these events seem to be ever increasing as additional sensors continue to be installed and existing stations are tuned to improve detection capability. The use of non-traditional data sources, such as social media, can corroborate geophysical detection network data. For example, the U.S. Geological Survey’s use of Twitter to track earthquakes in populated areas as an alternative data source can aid in situational awareness of ground shaking intensity. The USGS can use social media such as Twitter to alert them before the earthquake is detected by their sensors. These types of alerts help aid the timeliness of first responders to the scene. We incorporate social media into the analysis of events to better characterize sources observed in waveform data sets. This could potentially assist in identifying previously unknown sources and may enhance the scientific community’s ground truth data collections.

        Speaker: Justin Hertzog (ENSCO)
    • 17:00 19:00
      T2.1 Treaty-Relevant Events Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


      • 18:15
        Seismo-Acoustic Analyses of the DPRK Underground Nuclear Tests for the Estimation of Source Depth 15m

        The nuclear tests by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) have generated both seismic and infrasonic signals. This presentation will address seismo-acoustic analyses of these tests. Special focus will be given to the 2013 and January 2016 tests, that were estimated to have a similar yield. Clear detections were made in the Russian Federation (I45RU) and Japan (I30JP) in 2013 at stations from the International Monitoring System. Both tropospheric and stratospheric refractions arrived at the stations. In 2016, only a weak return was potentially observed at I45RU. Data analysis and propagation modeling show that the noise level at the stations and the stratospheric circumpolar vortex were different in 2016 compared to 2013. A relative analysis of the 2013 and 2016 DPRK tests, in combination with atmospheric infrasound propagation modeling, motivates the hypothesis that the 2016 test was at a greater depth than the 2013 test. In such a case, less seismic energy would couple through the lithosphere-atmosphere interface, leading to less observable infrasound. A preliminary analysis suggests that the 2016 test occurred at least 1.5 times deeper. Since explosion depth is difficult to estimate from seismic data alone, this motivates a synergy between seismics and infrasonics.

        Speaker: Jelle D. Assink (KNMI - Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute)
    • 17:00 19:00
      T3.1 Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies (cont.) Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


    • 19:00 19:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 19:00 22:00
      Poster Session: T1.5, T3.1 3h

      Topic 1.5 Civil, Scientific and Industrial Applications of IMS data and IDC Products
      T1.5-P1 'Seismic Cycle’ and Occurrence of Large Earthquakes
      T1.5-P2 Active Lineaments Mapping Within Karonga Area
      T1.5-P3 (Y) Assessment of Seismic Hazard Potentials in Zimbabwe
      T1.5-P4 (Y) Contribution of the IMS Seismic Stations and Products in Localization of the 28 March 2016 Okavango Delta Event
      T1.5-P5 Disaster Prediction Through Pattern Informatics Applied on Global Seismological Data
      T1.5-P6 Earthquake Safety: An Important Contribution of CTBT Seismic Monitoring Data
      T1.5-P7 Important Results Obtained from Data of Kazakhstan Seismic Arrays
      T1.5-P8 Litho-Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on the Groundwater Flow Dynamics and Hydrogeochemical Setting of the Mekelle Outlier and Surroundings, Northern Ethiopia
      T1.5-P9 (Y) Profile of Radionuclide Particulate Monitoring in Indonesia
      T1.5-P10 Response of the Kathmandu Valley Sediments During the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake Sequence
      T1.5-P11 Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Caucasus
      T1.5-P12 Seismic Microzonation and Site Effect Response of Al Auja District
      T1.5-P13 Seismic Velocity Models and Their Improvement
      T1.5-P14 Seismicity and seismo-tectonic environment at regions of nuclear energetics critical facilities location in Kazakhstan
      T1.5-P15 Seismicity of Semipalatinsk Test Site Territory by Data of Kazakhstan Monitoring Network
      T1.5-P16 Seismotectonic Implications of the 20 May 1990 South Sudan Earthquake
      T1.5-P17 Strategy for the Popularization of the Virtual Data Exploitation Centre (vDEC) in West Africa
      T1.5-P18 Teleseismic Study of Ecuador Earthquake Using IMS Stations in Africa
      T1.5-P19 (Y) The Use of CTBTO IMS data on Atmospheric Radioactivity Monitoring Following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
      T1.5-P20 Trend Analysis of Cesium-137 Concentrations Observed in Kuwait Before and After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
      T1.5-P21 (Y) Understanding Future Landslide Hazards: 12 March Earthquake, West, and 29 March 2014 Landslide, East of Anjouan-Island, Comoros.
      T1.5-P22 (Y) Upgrading Geological Fault Information Using the Last Shallow Seismic Events
      T1.5-P23 Using of IMS Infrasound Stations for Tsunami Warning in the Antarctic Peninsula
      T1.5-P24 Validation of Tsunami Potency Determination Using Calculation of Rupture Duration (Tdur), Dominant Period (Td) and T50Ex

      Topic 3.1 Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies
      T3.1-P1 'CARD’: Characterization of Adjoint Response for Ge Detectors
      T3.1-P2 (Y) A Genuinely Novel Method to Identifying Gamma Rays in Region of Infrared Spectrum
      T3.1-P3 A Novel Three Component Optical Seismometer Based on the Moiré Technique
      T3.1-P4 (Y) A Quantitative Investigation of the Performance of Three-Component Optical Seismometer
      T3.1-P5 A Seismic Noise Survey of Western Kazakhstan
      T3.1-P6 (Y) A Testing Environment for Airborne Optical Sensors
      T3.1-P7 Adding Wireless Capabilities to an IMS Portable Infrasound Array
      T3.1-P8 (Y) Ag@zeolite: Toward the Miniaturization of the NG Process
      T3.1-P9 Automated Testing and Our RASA Software Development Environment
      T3.1-P10 Autonomous Intelligent Sensor Systems
      T3.1-P11 CLYC Scintillators: A Possible Enhancement for Handheld OSI Detectors
      T3.1-P12 (Y) Colombian Seismological Network and Its Challenges
      T3.1-P13 Cross-Calibration of Airborne and Ground Based Gamma Radiation Survey Techniques Under On-Site Inspection Conditions
      T3.1-P14 (Y) Design and Simulation of a Leaser-Interferometer Broadband Seismometer
      T3.1-P15 Detection Efficiency Calculation and Spectrum Simulation with Geant4 for a BEGe Detector at the Health Canada CTBT Laboratory
      T3.1-P16 (Y) Developing a Low Cost Shout Down MEMS Base Accelerometer Suitable for Rapid Response and Structural Applications
      T3.1-P17 Development and performance of Cosmic Guard and Compton Suppression System for Environmental Radiological Analysis
      T3.1-P18 Development of a Field Portable Ar-37 Monitoring Capability
      T3.1-P19 Development of Si-PIN Diodes Detection Unit for Noble Gas Systems ARIX
      T3.1-P20 Development of U.S. NDC Performance Metrics Through Large Scale Analysis of System Log Files With Hadoop Distributed File System Based Tools
      T3.1-P21 Developments in IMS Infrasound Array Geometry Tools
      T3.1-P22 Implementation of New Technologies at the IMS Radionuclide Particulate Stations
      T3.1-P23 Improving MDC in the Radionuclide Particulate RASA System
      T3.1-P24 Improving Metadata Accuracy Within Seismic Networks
      T3.1-P25 IMS Equipment Challenges for Waveform Technologies
      T3.1-P26 Infrasound Isolation Chamber for Improved Sensor Calibration
      T3.1-P27 Installation and Testing of a Cosmic Veto System at the IMS Station RN67, St Helena
      T3.1-P28 Next Generation Noble Gas System for the IMS Network
      T3.1-P29 Operational Interface and Capability of a Carborne Survey Instrument Developed for the PTS Under US CiK
      T3.1-P30 Perspective Model of Portative Field In-Situ Spectrometer-Identifier of Gamma Isotopes
      T3.1-P31 SAUNA III New Beta Detector Performance
      T3.1-P32 Sensing Ionospheric Disturbances Using a Large GNSS Network
      T3.1-P33 (Y) Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging: Hand-held Image Acquisition for Ground Inspection
      T3.1-P34 System Tests of OSIRIS: A Spectrum-Blind Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for On-Site Inspections under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
      T3.1-P35 The Calibration of IMS Seismic and Hydroacoustic T-Phase Stations
      T3.1-P36 The Problem of the Precise Second on Earthquake Recorders
      T3.1-P37 The Radiological Field Training Simulator (RaFTS)/Spectroscopic Injection Pulser (SIP) for Radiation Detection Training Without Radiation Sources in On-Site Inspection
      T3.1-P38 The SAUNA CUBE Project: A New Concept in Radioxenon Detection Using Noble Gas System Arrays
      T3.1-P39 Unmanned Radiation Measurements
      T3.1-P40 Using Antineutrinos to Verify the Nuclear Nature of a Suspect Nuclear Test Based on Seismic Event Coincidence
      T3.1-P41 Wind Noise Reduction Systems in the International Monitoring System Infrasound Network
      T3.1-P42 Xenon International: A New Capability for Radioxenon Measurements

    • 19:00 22:00
      Poster Session: T2.1 3h

      Topic 2.1 Treaty-Relevant Events
      T2.1-P1 (Y) Eight Years on Since the Upgrade of the Eskdalemuir, UK, Seismic Array: Network Advances and New Observations
      T2.1-P2 Absolute and Relative Body Wave Magnitudes of Five DPRK Events as Measured by the IDC
      T2.1-P3 Absolute and Relative Location at the IDC: Five DPRK Events
      T2.1-P4 Analysis Spectral and Focal Mechanism of Likely Nuclear Explosion in North Korea January 2016
      T2.1-P5 Atmospheric Transport Modelling Assessing Chances to Detect Radionuclides Released from the Known DPRK Test Site
      T2.1-P6 Atmospheric Transport Modelling for Radionuclide Monitoring after the Nuclear Tests of the DPRK on 6 January and 9 September 2016
      T2.1-P7 Estimation of a Relative Depth and Yield of DPRK’s Third and Fourth UNE
      T2.1-P8 Events Discrimination and Source Parameters Using Moment Tensor Inversion
      T2.1-P9 Identification of Seismic Signals from Underground Nuclear Explosion Produced at DPRK Test Site
      T2.1-P10 Improving Our Understanding of Explosion Seismic Waves from the Nevada Source Physics Experiments
      T2.1-P11 IMS Radioxenon Monitoring after the Announced Nuclear Tests of the DPRK on 6 January and 9 September 2016
      T2.1-P12 North Korea's Nuclear Tests 2016
      T2.1-P13 (Y) Nuclear Event Fallout Inhomogeneity on Small- and Medium-Scale in Meadows and Forests
      T2.1-P14 Registration of Events from DPRK Test Site in 2016 by Facilities of Main Center of Special Monitoring
      T2.1-P15 (Y) Review of Explosive Yield Estimation
      T2.1-P16 Romania National Data Centre Contribution to Nuclear Test Monitoring
      T2.1-P17 Summing Particulates and Noble Gas Spectra to Improve Detection Sensitivity and Reduce Statistical Uncertainty
      T2.1-P18 The Seismic Event in North Korea 9 September 2016

    • 19:30 22:00
      Workshop: "Effective Communication Skills" 2h 30m
    • 20:00 22:00
      Radionuclide Analysis Demonstration 2h
    • 11:00 13:00
      T1.4 Hydroacustics and Physical Properties of the Oceans Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


    • 11:00 13:00
      T2.1 Treaty-Relevant Events (cont.) Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


      • 11:15
        Secondary Seismic Sources of North Korean Nuclear Tests and Its Meaning for Event Identification 15m

        Amplitude ratios between the first 2016 and 2013 North Korean nuclear tests for different kinds of seismic waves are compared. The observations show the first 2016 test had generated stronger Rayleigh waves with weaker short period P and Love waves in comparison with the 2013 test. Based on the observations, secondary seismic sources including the DC components caused by tectonic releases and the CLVD components caused by induced rock damages of the explosions are determined. It is shown the DC sources of the two tests should have an identical thrust faulting mechanism with DC moment MDC of the first 2016 test smaller than that of the 2013 test, and the ratio between the CLVD moment MCLVD and the isotropic moment Miso is between 17~27% for the 2013 test, 0.7~11% for the first 2016 test, both much lower than that for underground nuclear explosions detonated by standard yield-scaled burial depth and of similar mb. The above mentioned results suggest the tectonic releases have significant effect on Ms for DPRK nuclear tests, which is of important implications for understanding the mb:Ms criteria and Ms-yield scaling.

        Speaker: Ping Jin (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology)
      • 12:00
        Analyses of Regional Seismic and Infrasound Data from Five North Korean Nuclear Explosions 15m

        We analyze seismic and infrasound signals generated by five underground nuclear tests in North Korea in 2006, 2009, 2013, and 2016 (January and September). Regional data from six seismo-acoustic arrays, cooperatively operated by Southern Methodist University (SMU) and Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) in the Korean peninsula, were used with two additional infrasound arrays operated by KIGAM and an additional seismic station in China. We explore the relative seismic source scaling of Pn, Pg, Sn, and Lg phases, using the Mueller and Murphy (1971) and Denny and Johnson (1991) source models. This analysis constrains a range of relative source strengths and depths. We analyzed infrasound signals detected from all the explosions using an automatic detector and compared these with the model predictions using time dependent atmospheric specifications. These results suggest that infrasound detections from the five explosions are strongly dependent on atmospheric condition at the time of each explosion (best detectability in January 2016 case) with infrasound event locations improved using this information. Future work is needed to integrate both seismic and infrasound analyses to provide combined constraints on source depth as well as free surface interactions near the source.

        Speaker: Brian Stump (Southern Methodist University)
    • 11:00 13:00
      T5.4 Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness Rittersaal (Hofburg)



      • 12:15
        The CTBT and the Ban Treaty 15m

        The CTBT and the Ban Treaty Edward Ifft The UNGA recently voted to authorize negotiation of a treaty banning nuclear weapons. This negotiation will end July 7, shortly after the conclusion of SnT 2017. It may appear that there would be little relationship between such a treaty and the CTBT, but there may be important technical, legal and political issues between the two. The Ban Treaty (BT) will ban the testing of nuclear weapons, so we may have in force a legally binding document that explicitly prohibits the testing of nuclear devices well before EIF of the CTBT. Efforts for and against the BT may distract from the CTBT. A strong case can be made that efforts to universalize and bring into force the CTBT should have priority. Also will the BT only refer to "testing," or will it explicitly specify "explosions?" Will operative terms be defined and obligations with respect to what is/is not allowed be exactly the same as in the CTBT? If not, the possibility of ambiguities and contradictions is clear. Will the BT attempt to define a "nuclear explosion," something that was purposely not done in the CTBT? All these issues bear careful watching.

        Speaker: Edward Milton Ifft (Stanford University)
    • 13:00 13:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 13:00 13:15
      Poster Preview Session 15m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Panel Discussion "Global Verification Capability: The Five Announced DPRK Nuclear Tests" 1h 30m
    • 15:00 16:00
      LUNCH 1h
    • 16:00 18:00
      Panel Discussion: "Training, Education and Public Advocacy for the CTBT: The Role of Advocacy for the CTBT: The Role of Academia in Securing the Treaty's Entry into Force and Universalization" 2h
    • 16:00 18:00
      T1.1 Infrasound and Atmospheric Dynamics Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


    • 16:00 16:45
      T3.7 Algorithms Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 16:45 17:45
      T3.5 Data Processing and Interpretation Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 18:00 18:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 18:00 20:30
      CTBTO Youth Group Panel Discussions: "Nuclear Testing and Use" 2h 30m

      "Nuclear Testing and Use"
      "The CTBT as a Confidence Building Measure"
      "Advocacy and Outreach"

    • 18:00 20:30
      Poster Session: T1.1 2h 30m

      Topic 1.1 Infrasound and Atmospheric Dynamics
      T1.1-P1 Advances on the Volcanic Parameter System with Infrasound Data
      T1.1-P2 An Assessment of Infrasound Events in the REBs Produced in the Year 2016
      T1.1-P3 (Y) Applications for Aircraft Infrasound Detections
      T1.1-P4 Are Measurements of Infrasonic Signal Duration Useful in the Context of Nuclear Explosion Monitoring?
      T1.1-P5 (Y) Automated Detection and Cataloging of Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network
      T1.1-P6 Comparative Near-Field and Far-Field Studies Using IMS Infrasound Data
      T1.1-P7 Detection and Interpretation of Seismoacoustic Events at German Infrasound Stations
      T1.1-P8 Detection Patterns for Two IMS Infrasound Stations in the Vicinity of the North Korean Test Site
      T1.1-P9 Global Infrasound Association at the IDC: Advances and Performances
      T1.1-P10 IMS Infrasound Records of Announced Rocket Launches
      T1.1-P11 (Y) Incorporating Realistic Terrain Boundary Conditions into Numerical Infrasound Propagation Modelling
      T1.1-P12 InfraGA/GeoAc: An Open Source Infrasonic Ray Tracing Tool
      T1.1-P13 Infrasound Signals and Their Source Location Inferred from Array Deployment in the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica: 2015
      T1.1-P14 Joint Processing of Pressure Pulsations and Wind Velocity Data at Infrasound Stations
      T1.1-P15 Localization of Microbaroms Detected by I17CI and I11CV in IMS Data
      T1.1-P16 Long-Range Infrasound Detections of Volcanic Activity by IS42 Station, Azores, Portugal
      T1.1-P17 Optimization Methods of Network Parametric Selection of Infrasound Signal Sources
      T1.1-P18 PTS Portable Infrasound Array in Romania
      T1.1-P19 Some Results of Recording Infrasound and Internal Gravity Waves from Atmospheric Fronts
      T1.1-P20 Temporal Variability of Infrasound Propagation and Detectability in the European Arctic
      T1.1-P21 The Acoustic Signature of Underground Chemical Explosions During the Source Physics Experiment
      T1.1-P22 The European Infrasound Bulletin
      T1.1-P23 (Y) The First Infrasound Array in Hungary
      T1.1-P24 (Y) Using IMS IS13 and IS14 Stations to Analyse Strong Seismic and Volcanic Activity in Chile

    • 18:00 20:30
      Poster Session: T1.4, T3.5, T3.7, T5.4 2h 30m

      Topic 1.4 Hydroacoustics and Physical Properties of the Oceans
      T1.4-P1 Data Processing Technique for T-phase and Tsunami Signals Recorded by IMS Hydrophone Triplets
      T1.4-P2 Establishment of the IMS Hydroacoustic Station HA04, Crozet Islands, France
      T1.4-P3 Exploiting Recent Plentiful Detections at H03 and H11
      T1.4-P4 (Y) Numerical Tsunami Modelling of the 2 March 2016 Southwest of Sumatra Earthquake (M = 7.8)
      T1.4-P5 Observations of a Coherent Signal in the High-Frequency Range of IMS Hydrophones (105-108Hz) at Station HA08, Diego Garcia, Indian Ocean
      T1.4-P6 Progress in the Studies on the Next Generation Cabled IMS Hydroacoustic Stations
      T1.4-P7 Risk Management and Program Execution
      T1.4-P8 (Y) Tsunami Waves Generated by Earthquakes and Landslides: Computed by Means of Numerical Simulations in the Western Black Sea

      Topic 3.5 Data Processing and Interpretation
      T3.5-P1 Addressing the Challenges of Displaying Geotechnical Information in 3D Environments
      T3.5-P2 Advancing the Practice of Seismology in Iraq
      T3.5-P3 (Y) Amplitude Attenuation and Applied in Earthquake and Explosion Identification
      T3.5-P4 (Y) Analyzing of Seismic Recording in Frequency Domain at Nuclear Bomb Explosion: Case Study North Korea's Nuclear Test
      T3.5-P5 (Y) Anomalous Signal Before Indonesia’s Large Earthquakes 2011 Detected by Superconducting Gravimeter
      T3.5-P6 (Y) Comparison of Analysis Methods to Identify Radioxenon Isotopes
      T3.5-P7 Comprehensive Seismic Monitoring: Developments at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center
      T3.5-P8 (Y) Contrasting 3D Visualization of Different OSI Data Types with More Standard 2D Representation
      T3.5-P9 Correlation Detection of Uncertain Seismic Signals
      T3.5-P10 Data Analysing for Supporting the CTBTO’s Treaty by the National Data Center Suriname
      T3.5-P11 Deploying ENIAB in Cloud Platform
      T3.5-P12 Detection Capability of the IMS Seismic Network in 2013
      T3.5-P13 (Y) Developments at the UK National Data Centre for Radionuclide Analysis
      T3.5-P14 Digital Revolution in Gamma Acquisition Systems: Costs and Benefits
      T3.5-P15 Distributed Seismic Event Detection Analytics at the Edge
      T3.5-P16 Evaluating West Eurasian Clusters of Infrasound Arrivals in Analyst-Reviewed Bulletins of the International Data Centre
      T3.5-P17 Expert Technical Analysis Improvements at the International Data Center, CTBTO
      T3.5-P18 (Y) Extended NDC-in-a-Box Implementation for Mongolian NDC
      T3.5-P19 Finding Aftershocks with Waveform Cross-Correlation
      T3.5-P20 Hypercomplex and High-Order Master Event Design for CTBT Monitoring
      T3.5-P21 IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2: Analysis Interface Improvements
      T3.5-P22 IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2: Software Architecture and Data Model
      T3.5-P23 Identification of Explosions and Earthquakes Using Infrasound and Seismic Data
      T3.5-P24 (Y) Importancy of Noise Level at CTBTO Facilities
      T3.5-P25 Improving Geophysical Data Processing and Research With Multi-Cloud Environments
      T3.5-P26 Introduction of the Results of a New Automatic Association System for Waveform Data Analysis
      T3.5-P27 (Y) Methodology for Volcanic Monitoring Using the Processing and Analysis of Geospatial Data and Its Implementation in the "Concepción" Volcano of Nicaragua
      T3.5-P28 (Y) Mining Explosion Identification Using Seismic and Infrasound Station Data
      T3.5-P29 Monitoring of Tropical Cyclones Using Seismic and Infrasonic Stations Surrounding the South-Western Indian Ocean
      T3.5-P30 Negative Evidence: The Non-Use of Non-Detections in IDC Seismic Data Processing
      T3.5-P31 Observing the Variability of Earth's Microseisms Through Signal Coherency Analysis
      T3.5-P32 (Y) On the Usability of Event Zero Time Determinations Using Xenon Isotopic Activity Ratios Given the Real Atmospheric Background Observations
      T3.5-P33 Optimizing Atmospheric Monitoring Networks Using Bayesian Methods and Genetic Algorithms for Multiple Objectives
      T3.5-P34 Real Time Monitoring Data Application and Simulation Researches for Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation
      T3.5-P35 (Y) Relocation of Seismicity in Northern East of Egypt: Contribution of Different Regional Seismic Networks
      T3.5-P36 Research on Recognition Technology for Weak Explosion Signals
      T3.5-P37 Seismic Monitoring Evolution and Extensive Seismicity of Egypt
      T3.5-P38 Seismic Monitoring Technology of Weak Earthquakes and Explosions on the Based of Solution the Seismic Moment Tensor Inverse Problem
      T3.5-P39 Seismic Monitoring Using Arrays in the Middle East
      T3.5-P40 Some Results of Low-Magnitude Seismicity Recording in Belarus
      T3.5-P41 Special Noise Field Characteristics of a Small Aperture Seismic Array on the Southeast Coast of China
      T3.5-P42 (Y) Static Corrections to Improve Detection, Location and Measurement of Seismic Discriminants at IMS Arrays
      T3.5-P43 Surface Reflection Arrivals from Shallow Small Magnitude Explosions Using the Cepstrum Technique: A Numerical Analysis
      T3.5-P44 The Benefit of Using Higher Sampled Regional Seismic Data for Determining Cepstral Depths of Shallow Events
      T3.5-P45 The Correction of Coincidence Summing Effect in Filter Sample Measurement with HPGe Spectrometer
      T3.5-P46 The IDC Re-Engineering Project, Phase 2
      T3.5-P47 The IMS Seismic Network Used to Support and Mitigate Volcanic Risk with One Single Station Method
      T3.5-P48 Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Infrasound-Electromagnetic Data Fusion
      T3.5-P49 Time Series Classification Using Covariance Descriptors
      T3.5-P50 (Y) Time Series Reconstruction as a Preventive Maintenance Tool for the Radionuclide IMS Data
      T3.5-P51 Towards a New Paradigm for the Interactive Analysis of Waveform Data
      T3.5-P52 US Navy’s "Full Ship Shock Trials" as Opportunities for USGS and CTBTO Seismic System Evaluation and Calibration
      T3.5-P53 Update of the Evaluated Radioxenon Nuclear Decay Data
      T3.5-P54 Using Reflection Green's Functions Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise and Signal for IMS Seismic Station Site Crustal Reflector Characterization
      T3.5-P55 (Y) Velocity Model of Seymareh Region: Southwest of Iran Using Local Seismic Network Data
      T3.5-P56 Wind Seismic Noise Introduced by External Infrastructure: Field Data and Transfer Mechanism
      T3.5-P57 Model of Xe Radionuclides Measurements on Noble Gas System with a Long Cycle of Sampling

      Topic 3.7 Algorithms
      T3.7-P1 (Y) A Method to Improve Relative Earthquake Locations Using Surface Waves
      T3.7-P2 A Review of the Most Frequently Applied Seismic P-Wave Picking Algorithms
      T3.7-P3 Application of Diffusion Maps for Seismic Event Characterization in Israel
      T3.7-P4 Automated Techniques for Waveform Correlation Applied to Regional Monitoring of Eastern Asia
      T3.7-P5 Automatic Classification of Seismic P and S Wave Signals Using Multiple Parameters, Frequency Ranges and Artificial Neural Network
      T3.7-P6 Automatic Identification of Repeated Industrial Seismicity in the Reviewed Event Bulletin
      T3.7-P7 Compressive Sensing and Sparsity Based Method for Time-Frequency Distribution Optimization
      T3.7-P8 Earthquake Event Detection and Separation from Local Noise Using SVM Classifier
      T3.7-P9 Enhancement of Cepstral Methods for the Improved Processing of Seismic Data
      T3.7-P10 Non-Linear Kernel Methods for Seismic Event Characterization
      T3.7-P11 Peak Search and Fitting Techniques for Analysis of the Radioxenon Beta-Gamma Coincidence Spectra
      T3.7-P12 The Use of Waveform Cross-Correlation for Detection, Relative Location and Magnitude Estimation of Repeated Mining Blasts: The Jordan Phosphate Mine Eshidiya

      Topic 5.4 Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness
      T5.4-P1 Third Cycle On-Site Inspection (OSI) Surrogate Inspector Training: Positive Outcomes on the Local Level
      T5.4-P2 A CTBTO Semester-Long Simulation Course in International Relations Curriculum as a Method of Developing the Students’ Professional Skills
      T5.4-P3 Advancement of CTBT Academic Curricula in South-South Nigeria
      T5.4-P4 (Y) Back to Basics: Building the Next Generation of Indian Nuclear Experts
      T5.4-P5 Challenges and Advances in Implementation of CTBTO Facilities and Supports in Senegal
      T5.4-P6 (Y) Cooperation Between Cameroon, CTBTO and Others Parties: Capacity Building, Education and Public Awareness
      T5.4-P7 CTBT Educational Materials as a Tool for Sensitization and Internal Training
      T5.4-P8 Current Awareness of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in Nigeria
      T5.4-P9 Diversified Education on CTBT in Beijing Language and Culture University
      T5.4-P10 Expanding the Use of the CTBT Educational Resources Among the Academics in West Africa
      T5.4-P11 FSUE VNIIA Activities Related to CTBT Technologies
      T5.4-P12 IMS Network in Papua New Guinea and the Utilization for the Benefits of the Local and Regional Monitoring Systems
      T5.4-P13 Integrating Knowledge Generated by CTBT in Teaching Nuclear Science and Engineering
      T5.4-P14 Introducing m-Science Systems for Engaging Broader Community to the Needs of Nuclear Test Monitoring and Verification
      T5.4-P15 Jordan Seismological Observatory and IMS
      T5.4-P16 Malawi Seismicity and Seismic Network from 1900-2016
      T5.4-P17 Mongolian National Data Centre
      T5.4-P18 Monitoring for Nuclear Explosions
      T5.4-P19 NDC Training 2.0: From Training Analysts to Training NDCs
      T5.4-P20 Nuclear Pacific: An International Public Inquiry on French Nuclear Weapons Testing in French Polynesia
      T5.4-P21 (Y) Potential Benefits of CTBTO to Iraq
      T5.4-P22 Public Awareness and Capacity Building
      T5.4-P23 Public Awareness Creation of National Data Centres in Africa
      T5.4-P24 (Y) Relevance of the Capacity Building System (CBS) in Zambia's NDC
      T5.4-P25 (Y) Scientific Community: Its Role in Nuclear Disarmament
      T5.4-P26 Seismic Monitoring and its Analysis in Kyrgyzstan
      T5.4-P27 (Y) The CTBT as a useful tool for Myanmar's students in Nuclear Age
      T5.4-P28 (Y) The Hidden Potential of Nuclear Research Centres Collaborations
      T5.4-P29 The IS35 and AS067 IMS Infrasound and Auxiliary Seismic Station in Tsumeb, Namibia
      T5.4-P30 The Role of Small States in Monitoring Nuclear Explosions: The Case of Kazakhstan
      T5.4-P31 The Significance of National Data Centres Established in West Africa
      T5.4-P32 The Status of the CTBTO Link to the ISC Database
      T5.4-P33 (Y) Implementing National Nuclear Safety Knowledge Platform within the GNSSN Framework
      T5.4-P34 Enhancing Public Awareness of the CTBTO/ CTBT Among Youth
      T5.4-P35 Regional Denuclearization in South Pacific: Failures and Successes after 30 years

    • 19:00 19:45
      NDC Session: Cooperation between NDCs 45m

      1) "Practical example for expanding NDC capacity building" (Cooperation between NDCs from Austria, Brazil and Namibia)
      Authors: Mauricio Moutinho (NDC Brazil), Ulrike Mittlebauer (NDC Austria) and Nortin Titus (NDC Namibia)
      2) Palau NDC Design (Cooperation between University of Hawaii and the NDC of Palau for infrastucture support; NDC-in-a-cloud)
      Authors: Milton Garces (NDC Palau, SO for IS39), M. Ngemaes (Palau NDC and National Weather Service)
      3) eNIAB in Cloud Platform (Example of operating the extended NDC-in-a-box in a cloud)
      Author: Leonid Kolesnykov (NDC Ukraine)

    • 19:45 20:30
      NDC Session: NPE 45m

      NDC Preparedness Exercise 2017 NPE2017
      Lead by NDC Germany
      Discussion and Arrangements

    • 20:30 21:45
      RECEPTION 1h 15m
    • 11:00 13:00
      T1.1 Infrasound and Atmospheric Dynamics (cont.) Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


    • 11:00 13:00
      T3.5 Data Processing and Interpretation (cont.) Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 11:00 13:00
      T4.1 Performance Optimization and Systems Engineering Rittersaal (Hofburg)



      • 11:45
        Near Real Time Data Dissemination and Warehousing Protocol 15m

        Globalized Data Dissemination in near real time is a challenge. Data replication as an alternative is cost intensive and delayed. Therefore, one of the possible solutions is to develop a protocol that classifies data at source. This sorting of data is based on spatial, temporal and spectral significances defined at the source. Parametric thresholds, i.e. boundary conditions for classification, are part of the architecture resulting in propagation ready warehousing of data at source. Optimizations are also achieved by propagating only variations to the standard data or most specific conditions. This results in a sizable reduction of data transmitted over the networks. The complete data set or subset, as may be applicable, can be rebuilt at the remote site by adding variations to the standard conditions generating data as recorded by the sensors. This protocol can be implemented at the transport or higher layers of the Open Systems Interconnection model. New fields are required in the existing database designs to accommodate only keeping records of received variations. A furtherance to this optimization can be achieved by only recording variations at sensors even prior to the analogue to digital conversions and transmission can also be investigated with possibly fascinating outcomes.

        Speaker: Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah (National Defense University (NDU))
    • 13:00 13:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 13:30 15:00
      CTBTO Youth Group Workshop "CTBT and South Asia: Analyzing and Engaging the Public" 1h 30m

      Facilitators: Beenish Pervaiz, Aditi Malhotra, Hamzah Rifaat

    • 13:30 15:00
      Panel Discussion "Processing and Analysis of Seismic Aftershock Sequences: Protecting Operational Performance in the IDC" 1h 30m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Panel Discussion "Uncertainty Measurement in Atmospheric Transport Modelling and Atmospheric Dynamics" 1h 30m
    • 15:00 16:00
      LUNCH 1h
    • 16:00 16:45
      T3.2 Laboratories Including Mobile and Field-Based Facilities Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


    • 16:00 17:00
      T3.5 Data Processing and Interpretation (cont.) Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 16:00 17:00
      T5.1 Science in Support of Global Policy Decisions Rittersaal (Hofburg)



      • 16:00
        Bringing Scientific Insights into Disarmament Policy: Science Advice at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 15m

        From definitions of weapons, to articles governing verification of compliance, inspection, and assistance, science and technology underpin international disarmament treaties. Both treaty negotiation and implementation require sound technical advice to inform policy; requiring scientific advisers. Despite this need for science in disarmament, the two worlds are often at odds. The Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions serve to illustrate this tension, where to some, scientific developments raise concerns about misuse potential and security risk, while others see opportunities for innovation in treaty implementation and solutions to pressing global issues. Science is only one of many dimensions that policymakers must consider in decision making, yet the world’s current security environment shows a need for scientifically literate policymakers and scientist-policymaker engagement that has never been greater Actionable science advice for policy requires experts capable of clearly communicating with those receiving advice. In this regard, the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) serves as a case study on involvement of scientists in treaty negotiation, compliance verification, providing advice to policymakers, and as science communicators to policymakers. We will discuss experiences and lessons learned from the CWC’s science advisory mechanism; lessons informative for nurturing the science-policymaker engagement required to meet current and future disarmament challenges.

        Speaker: Jonathan Forman (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
      • 16:15
        Comparative Roles of Global Verification and On-Site Verification 15m

        Global Verification extends far beyond the standard tools of International Monitoring System (IMS), and act as the common platform for public interaction; a platform to share knowledge. The tools of Global Verification regime would be a library of knowledge varying from physical earth characters to possible physiological behaviour of a would-be Inspected State Party. Whereas, On-Site Verification is a specialized and robust operation, confined to specific expertise, due to strict code-of-conduct and sensitivity of the outcome. The two entities, marry effectively forming a continuous process towards successful verification via IMS products. On a specific event, IMS products along with Global Verification tools produces an effective framework for OSI initiation. The whole process is a continuous flow zooming into the area of interest, adding layers as progress, towards fruitful On-Site Verification. Considered the developing trends of remote sensing techniques, the challenges on evolving a full-fledged remote Global Verification mechanism hardly a technical aspect, yet political, as constrains will be imposed on usage of the technology under the pretext of "national security". However, identifying the Global Verification norms in its practical domain and appropriate linkage with the On-Site inspection tools and functionality, enables to overcome many the challenges that Verification demands.

        Speaker: Nalin de Silva (Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (GSMB))
    • 17:00 18:00
      T1.2 Solid Earth Structure Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 17:00 18:00
      T1.3 Atmospheric and Subsurface Radionuclide Dispersion and Depletion Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


    • 18:00 18:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 18:00 22:00
      Poster Session: T1.2, T3.2, T4.1, T5.1 4h

      Topic 1.2 Solid Earth Structure
      T1.2-P1 3D Shear Velocity Model of the Eastern and Southern Alps from Ambient Noise Tomography
      T1.2-P2 (Y) A Framework of Ground Truth Event Locations Across Iran from a Two Tiered Multi-Event Relocation Approach
      T1.2-P3 Amplitude-Dependent Station Magnitude
      T1.2-P4 (Y) An Innovated Earthquake Modelling Technique for Near Source Modelling
      T1.2-P5 (Y) Analysis of Relationship Between Deformation Area and Moment Magnitude (Mw) of Earthquake in Subduction Zone of Indo-Australian Plate
      T1.2-P6 Analysis of Stress State of Caucasus (Azerbaijan) Based on the Maximum Horizontal Stress Orientations and "World Stress Map" Technique
      T1.2-P7 (Y) Analysis of Variations in the Earthquakes Effects Based on the Bouguer Anomaly Map
      T1.2-P8 (Y) Analysis on Earthquake Relocation Using Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD) and Double Difference (DD) (Case Study of Kebumen Earthquake 25 January 2014 in Mw: 6.2)
      T1.2-P9 Attenuation of Seismic Waves in Gheshm Area, Southeast Iran
      T1.2-P10 Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath Southern Africa Based on First P-Wave Travel Times from Seismograms Generated by Local, Regional and Mining-Induced Earthquakes
      T1.2-P11 Crust-Upper Mantle Structure and Seismic Hazards Studies for National Planning and Development in Nigeria
      T1.2-P12 (Y) Crustal Deformation Revealed by GPS in Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan
      T1.2-P13 Crustal Structure of the Amazon Craton, Brazil
      T1.2-P14 (Y) Determination of Design Spectra with Considering Different Site Classification, in Andisheh Suburb of Bandar Abbas, South of Iran
      T1.2-P15 Determination Site Effect of Zarqa City and Hashemite University Campus Based on Microtremors Field Measurements: A Microzonation Study
      T1.2-P16 Determining the Kaki Earthquake Properties with Using InSAR Method, 2013, Kaki, Southwest Iran
      T1.2-P17 (Y) Distribution of Seismic Wave Amplification Based on Comparation Between Surface and Bedrock Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) (Case Study: Java Island)
      T1.2-P18 Global-Scale Joint Body and Surface Wave Tomography with Vertical Transverse Isotropy for Seismic Monitoring Applications
      T1.2-P19 (Y) Ground Truth Procedure to Improve the Seismic Locations, Velocity Model and Focal Mechanics Bulletin for Bolivia
      T1.2-P20 (Y) Identification of the Existences of the Mud Volcanoes Beneath East Java-Indonesia Region Using Ambient Noise Tomography Method
      T1.2-P21 Illuminating More of the Earth Via Sensors on Transoceanic Telecommunications Cables
      T1.2-P22 (Y) Improved Seismic Travel Times in Central and Northern Costa Rica for Accurate Earthquake Location
      T1.2-P23 (Y) Improving the Analysis Method of ULF Geomagnetic Data for Earthquake Precursor Monitoring in the Sumatera Region
      T1.2-P24 Investigations Aimed at Enhancing the Effectiveness of Seismic Monitoring in West Kazakhstan
      T1.2-P25 (Y) Monitoring Seismic Velocity Changes Using Ambient Seismic Noise
      T1.2-P26 Seismic Site Effect Estimation Using Microtremor Studies in the Archaeological City Jerash in Jordan
      T1.2-P27 Seismic Structure of West Africa from Surface Wave Tomography Using Regional Earthquakes and Ambient Seismic Noise
      T1.2-P28 Seismic wave attenuation in the Baikal Rift System
      T1.2-P29 Seismicity and Seismotectonics of the Sudan and South Sudan
      T1.2-P30 (Y) Seismicity of Botswana for the Period 1950-2016
      T1.2-P31 Site Effect in Archaeological City Jerash in Jordan
      T1.2-P32 Source Process of the Mw = 5.1, Phalla (Islamabad) Earthquake and Its Tectonic Perspective
      T1.2-P33 (Y) States of Local Stresses and Relative Locations of Small Earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara
      T1.2-P34 (Y) Statistical Analysis of Seismic Bulletin in Egypt
      T1.2-P35 Synthetic Seismograms of Explosive Sources Calculated by the Earth Simulator
      T1.2-P36 The Preliminary Tidal Analysis Based on the CG-5 AUTOGRAV Gravity Measurements at Lenkaran Station (Azerbaijan)
      T1.2-P37 (Y) The Seismic Activity of the Lake Kivu Basin: Need of a Large Seismic Network

      Topic 3.2 Laboratories Including Mobile and Field-Based Facilities
      T3.2-P1 (Y) Determination of Fission Radionuclides Sr-90 and Pu-242 in Water Samples
      T3.2-P2 (Y) Gamma-Gamma Coincidence Analysis of the 2015 Proficiency Test Exercise (PTE)
      T3.2-P3 Iranian Radionuclide Laboratory (IRL): Gas Extraction and Volume Measurement Set-Up
      T3.2-P4 Laboratory Analysis of Radioxenon Samples as a Support of the IMS Network
      T3.2-P5 OSI Laboratory Sample Ganging: Characterization of Multisample Holder Positions to Screen Out the Samples
      T3.2-P6 Shielding of Portable High Purity Germanium Detectors for Use in Stand Alone Configuration

      Topic 4.1 Performance Optimization and Systems Engineering
      T4.1-P1 Advances in State of Health Analysis for International Monitoring Systems
      T4.1-P2 Assessment of the Quality of the Interactive Analysis and Reviewed Event Bulletin During the September 2016 Experiment
      T4.1-P3 Business Intelligence Software as a Self-Service Data Analysis Platform for the CTBTO
      T4.1-P4 (Y) Chilean National Data Center and Station Management Model
      T4.1-P5 Cloud Data Center Based on Big Data Processing and Collaborative Management and its Application in the CTBT Verification System
      T4.1-P6 (Y) Constraints from Transport Times and Minimum Detectable Activity on the Analysis of Low-Activity Samples at CTBT Radionuclide Laboratories
      T4.1-P7 Contribution of RN-52 Generated Data in the Establishment of Radioactivity Data Base in the Philippines
      T4.1-P8 Digital GPS: Challenges of GPS Signals in High Noise Areas
      T4.1-P9 Establishing Information Management in an Organization: When Structured Information Moves You Forward
      T4.1-P10 Free Space Optics (FSO) Systems as Alternative Back-Up Links for NDCs and IMS Stations
      T4.1-P11 Identification and Evaluation of Resource Constraints: Optimization of AFTAC’s Configuration Management Process
      T4.1-P12 Improving Detection Quality of Primary IMS Seismic Stations
      T4.1-P13 IMS Reporting System and Incident Management in Operations Centre
      T4.1-P14 Life Cycle Modelling Data Required to Sustain the International Monitoring System
      T4.1-P15 Monitoring Indications of High-Purity Germanium Detector Failure
      T4.1-P16 National Data Centre at Royal Science and Technology Park, Swaziland
      T4.1-P17 Quality Assessment of Meteorological Data from CTBTO/IMS Radionuclide Stations
      T4.1-P18 RASA Detector Calibrations: Field Automation and Potential for Factory Calibrations to Replace Field Calibrations
      T4.1-P19 Selected Research Activities of Turkish NDC
      T4.1-P20 (Y) Sharing Local Seismic Networks Data to Complete Instrumental Gaps of CTBTO Global Network
      T4.1-P21 The Radionuclide Network Quality Control Programme
      T4.1-P22 The WNRS of IS48TN Infrasound Station: Problems and Solutions
      T4.1-P23 Thermal Insulation System and Automatic Heating of Air Sampler "SNOW WHITE" for IMS Radionuclide Station (for Example Station RN61 (Dubna)).
      T4.1-P24 Times for IMS Waveform Data Requested/Queried from the CTBT Secure Web Portal (SWP) Different from the Time Specified in the Query/Request
      T4.1-P25 uniDDS: A unified Data Distribution Approach for the International Monitoring System
      T4.1-P26 (Y) Importance of local network in processing discrimination of sources

      Topic 5.1 Science in Support of Global Policy Decisions
      T5.1-P1 (Y) Government Policies and Global Strategic Governance for Planetary Sustainability, Control of Nuclear Energy and the Elimination of Nuclear Tests
      T5.1-P2 Impacts of Nuclear Energy and the Lack of Strategic Governance for the Elimination of the Explosions and the Decrease of Collateral Risks
      T5.1-P3 Potential Contributions of CTBTO to the Full Implementation and Complement of the Pelindaba Treaty
      T5.1-P4 Radio-Ecological Monitoring of the Uranium Mining in the Mountain Areas
      T5.1-P5 Science in Support of International Treaties and Sustainable Development Goals

    • 18:00 22:00
      Poster Session: T1.3 4h

      Topic 1.3 Atmospheric and Subsurface Radionuclide Dispersion and Depletion
      T1.3-P1 Assessment of Radionuclides Dispersal in Seawater from Fukushima Disaster to the Coastline of Vietnam
      T1.3-P2 (Y) Atmospheric Dispersion of Radionuclides Originating from Hypothetical Accidents in Turkish Nuclear Power Plants
      T1.3-P3 Atmospheric Transport Modelling for the Radionuclides Detection of Northeast Asia in 2010
      T1.3-P4 Atmospheric Transport Model Applied to the Design of Medical Isotope Production Facilities
      T1.3-P5 (Y) Capability of HYPSLIT Dispersion Model in Fukushima Disaster
      T1.3-P6 Comparison of Atmospheric Transport Models (ATM) Used in Decision Support in the Framework of the Austrian Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness
      T1.3-P7 (Y) Evaluation of the Inline WRF-HYSPLIT Model for Mesoscale Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion
      T1.3-P8 Gas-Magma Interactions in Nuclear Cavities and Their Effects on the Xenon Isotope Ratios
      T1.3-P9 (Y) Generation of EURDEP Exercise Data Using Existing Modelling Tools
      T1.3-P10 Geologic Control on Noble Gas Migration
      T1.3-P11 Impacts of Eruptions of Volcanoes Around Korean Peninsula: Simulation for Hypothetic Eruptions by Using LADAS-VA Model
      T1.3-P12 Improved Evaluation of Atmospheric Flow and Transport over Complex Terrain at Multiple-Scales with Uncertainty
      T1.3-P13 Influence of Resolution on the Performance of FLEXPART with ECMWF Data in the ATM Challenge 2016
      T1.3-P14 Influence of Small-Scale Radioxenon Sources on the Background Levels at CTBT IMS Monitoring Stations
      T1.3-P15 Intercomparison Study Between Different Types of Models for the Dry Deposition of I-131
      T1.3-P16 La-140 and Ba-140 Background from IMS Particles Stations
      T1.3-P17 Monitoring of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Paleobeach Groundwater Aquifers in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, For Up To 3 Years: Insight into Formation Mechanism
      T1.3-P18 (Y) Non-Equilibrium Model of Multi-Phase Radionuclide Transport in Lake Water-Sediment System
      T1.3-P19 Performance Assessment of the High-Resolution Atmospheric Transport Model at the IDC of the CTBTO
      T1.3-P20 (Y) Sorption of Noble Gases in Porous Media and the Impact on Nuclear Explosion Signatures
      T1.3-P21 Sources and Concentrations of Cs-137 in Kuwait

    • 18:00 22:00
      Workshop: "Writing for Media Outlets/Op-eds and Letters to the Editor" 4h
    • 19:30 22:00
      INGE Meeting, Including Initial Discussion on Si-PIN Detectors 2h 30m
    • 19:30 22:00
      Waveform Analysis Demonstration 2h 30m
    • 11:00 13:00
      Panel Discussion "Advancing the CTBT with Science Diplomacy: Learning from the Past to Enable Confidence Building Across Scientific Communities" 2h
    • 11:00 13:00
      T1.2 Solid Earth Structure (cont.) Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal (Hofburg)

      Zeremoniensaal, Wintergarten, Marmorsaal


    • 11:00 13:00
      T1.3 Atmospheric and Subsurface Radionuclide Dispersion and Depletion (cont.) Geheime Ratstube (Hofburg)

      Geheime Ratstube


    • 13:00 13:30
      COFFEE BREAK 30m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Panel Discussion "Utilizing Monitoring Technologies for Global Development [...]" 1h 30m

      "Exploring Potential Applications of IMS data of Support the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement, and Disaster Risk Reduction"

      Opening Address: José Fidel Santana Núñez, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Evironment, Cuba

    • 15:00 16:00
      LUNCH 1h
    • 16:00 18:30
      Closing Session 2h 30m

      Awards Presentation Ceremony
      Technical Summary: Joachim Schulze, Chairperson of Working Group B, CTBTO Preparatory Commission
      Remarks: Representative of the City of Vienna
      Keynote Address: Des Browne, former Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom
      Remarks: Wolfgang Hoffman and Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretaries Emeritus, CTBTO Preparatory Commission
      Closing Remarks: Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary, CTBTO Preparatory Commission

    • 18:30 20:00