26–30 Jun 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Current and New Strategies of Youth Outreach

Not scheduled
Essay 5. Monitoring for Nuclear Explosions in a Global Context


Ziheng Bai (University of California)


In the fields of diplomacy, politics, and security, there are few individuals who do not understand the importance of the CTBT. However, in order to pressure modern governments and organizations, there must first be public demand and public awareness of the issues that the CTBT works with. Current efforts to raise public awareness are insufficient, they are not targeting, or poorly targeting the youth population of the world. This opinions and priorities of this demographic will only become more important as they enter voting age, and attracting their attention to the CTBT is essential in the long term. This presentation seeks to first identify and explain flaws with current efforts regarding youth outreach. The presentation will then to explain methods and strategies that can be used by governments, universities, and other organizations to better attract and retain the attention of young people to the efforts of The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

Primary author

Ziheng Bai (University of California)

Presentation materials

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