The 3rd OSI surrogate inspector training cycle started with a 14 day introductory course during October 2016 in Slovakia followed by a seven day course on Health, Safety and Security in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The training impact can be a challenge to measure, maybe impossible. Trainers and trainees can develop a feel for this measure using a two-tier concept, namely: 1. Increase the probability of conducting "successful" OSI missions. 2. Methodology, topics and tools that are applicable to trainees to effect positive change in their workplaces. A successful mission can only be declared or defined once a real OSI mission took place and include the training impact. This then remains impossible to measure. To illustrate a measure of impact on point 2, Crustal Geophysics, a newly formed sub-division in the Geophysics Division of the Geological Survey of Namibia is used as an example. This sub-division is tasked with seismology and all CTBTO related matters. Methods, tools and concepts learned in the 3rd training cycle was applied to this sub-division to lay the foundation for a new staff structure as well as promoting a "safety first" culture in the sub-division.