26–30 Jun 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Life Cycle Modelling Data Required to Sustain the International Monitoring System

Not scheduled
Poster 4. Performance Optimization and Systems Engineering


Daniel Foster (CTBTO)


The International Monitoring System network consists of hundreds of facilities, composed of four different technologies with a variety of designs, deployed in diverse environments around the globe. The sustainment of this network with a high level of availability is challenging and requires extensive resource planning for its optimization. The PTS has already developed a sparing capability to determine the optimal quantity and location of spare parts. In parallel, a life cycle analysis capability continues to be developed to support PTS decision making on station design, recapitalization, and effective logistics support. An overview of IMS activity-based life cycle modelling, which identifies and optimizes the activities and resources required to support and sustain stations through their whole life, is presented. The data required for life cycle modelling, where it can be found, and how to bring the disparate sources of data together is explored.

Primary author

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