26–30 Jun 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

North Korea's Nuclear Tests 2016

Not scheduled
Poster 2. Events and Nuclear Test Sites


Ahlam Rashid Kharbat Khekan (University of Information Technology and Communication)


This abstract is meant to study the North Korea's nuclear tests that were conducted in January and October 2016. North Korea set off two explosions at the test site in the northeast of the country. Later, it was discovered that these two explosions were nuclear and nuclear device were used in them. The comparison of the two tests result, obtained from Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBTO), showed that the explosions were nuclear with the appearance of Xenon. The CTBTO focused on the main three isotopes which are (Xe-131m, Xe-133m and Xe-133) for North Korea's test as it is considered a significant detection of radioisotopes of xenon, these isotopes are produced in fission reaction and exhibit suitable half-lives and radiation emission to be detected in the atmosphere at low levels at great distances from the release site.

Primary author

Ahlam Rashid Kharbat Khekan (University of Information Technology and Communication)

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