Shallow seismicity at Occidental side in Bolivia is not usual particularly if it was felt at the capital cities, the impact is big enough to stop all activities from two to seven days, obviously this kind of seismicity is related to geological faults which are plotted but not all of them are described, by described we mean that there are not a moment tensor solution. On 1st October 2014 and 13th December 2016 there were two shallow seismic event on La Paz and Oruro City, until now there were not a serious study involving the geologic framework, the seismic event location by our seismic network plus the IMS stations (LPAZ and SIV), the seismic wave correlation and finally the focal mechanic solution. Once we ensemble all data a classical seismic location was applied using the new velocity model 1D, he correlatoin was applied to get some family events, FOCMEC software was used to get the focal mechanics solution, finally a field trip confirmed the focal mechanics solution upgrading the information about the geological fault.