Atmospheric dispersion modeling and radiological safety analysis is performed for the public outside a radioisotope production facility (RPF) in case of hypothetical radioactive Iodine spilling and leakage from a hot cell. Potential human error is expected and the column that holds iodine may be broken causing it to spill on the radioactive cell floor. The ventilation exhaust system is dedicated to extract dispersed material through dedicated filters before gases are expelled outside the facility. Two scenarios are performed in this paper, the first one is predicting the dispersion with filtration from the extraction ventilation system, while the other is with loss of efficiency of the filtration components. Spilled radioiodine is the source term, and the HotSpot 3.1 is used to provide the required calculation tool to assess and evaluate an emergency situation, including radioactive nuclides release, to illustrate the transport modeling which is then applied to estimate the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) in different Pasquill stability classes. It would be transferred to a human body depending on downwind distance and radionuclide activity. The adopted methodology uses dominant site-general meteorological data and theories of dispersion models to study the impact of hypothetical dispersion and release to the environment from the selected radionuclide and assess how such a dispersion may have a bad radiological impact on the public.