28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

High frequency events detected by I33MG

30 Jun 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T2.3 - Seismoacoustic Sources in Theory and Practice T2.3 e-poster session


Mr Tahina Rakotoarisoa (Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo (IOGA), Madagascar)


High Frequency infrasound are produced generally by explosion, aircraft, storm or lightning…(Campus and Christie, 2010). High frequency infrasound signals are detected by I33MG at the azimuth around 39°. To perform the study, IMS infrasound data from I33MG and I19DJ are processed by mean of PMCC method. After investigation these events are correlated with oceanic storms in the Indian Ocean. In this area, lightning flashes, halo and sprite happen frequently (Christian et al., 2003, Chen et al., 2008) as well as surf events. These events are located at far as 3000 km from I33MG. Frequency of I33MG detections are less than 4 Hz and less than 2 Hz for I19DJ detections. Sources of these events would be strong for having high frequency signal detected for a long distance.

Promotional text

Characterize unknown events in order to better identify potential CTBTO relevant event and enhance infrasound station detectability.

Primary author

Mr Tahina Rakotoarisoa (Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo (IOGA), Madagascar)


Mr Andry Ramanantsoa (Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo (IOGA), Madagascar) Mr Jean Bernardo Andrianaivoarisoa (Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo (IOGA), Madagascar) Mr Fanomezana Randrianarinosy (Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo (IOGA), Madagascar) Mrs Sandra Razafimamonjy (Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo (IOGA), Madagascar) Mr Gerard Rambolamanana (CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Vienna, Austria)

Presentation materials