28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Using publicly available non-seismic constraints to estimate the yield of a large explosion in Beirut, Lebanon

30 Jun 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T2.1 - Characterization of Treaty-Relevant Events T2.1 e-poster session


Dr Ileana Tibuleac (Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), FL, USA)


A study of a large explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, explores the use of non-seismic constraints to supplement the seismic data yield estimates. The explosion yield is estimated by fitting overpressure to the equivalent of a 1kT overpressure curve as a function of radius from the explosion ground zero. Overpressure is estimated using explosion damage evaluations from publicly available sources such as aerial photos, movies and press articles. An equivalent yield interval of 0.7-0.9-kT is estimated.

Promotional text

A study of a large explosion in Beirut, Lebanon explores the use of non-seismic constraints from publicly available sources to supplement the seismic data yield estimates.

Primary authors

Dr Ileana Tibuleac (Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), FL, USA) Thomas VanDeMark (Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), FL, USA)

Presentation materials