June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Space science and technology for global sustainable development, peace, and security

Jun 28, 2021, 2:55 PM
1h 5m
Festsaal (Hofburg)



Panel discussion High Level Opening High Level Opening - session 2


Space has become an indispensable tool for our way of life. Addressing global challenges requires utilization of all available assets and space is one. Overall, space has transformed society and is instrumental for sustainable development at large.
Today, we are witnessing changes to the conventional ways of operating in space, unlocking an immense range of opportunities, but also leading to challenges, requiring immediate attention and resolution. The dramatic increase in the number and type of actors in space and the consequent rapid growth of satellites have strong implications on the space environment.
The United Nations has served as a convener for deliberations on space affairs since the beginning of space activities and has been successful in addressing the most pressing issues. It provides a unique intergovernmental and global platform for the benefit of everyone. Proactive multilateralism within the UN serves not only to expand access to space, but to ensure responsible behaviour in space for the benefit of human mankind.

Chaired by Ms. Simonetta di Pippo, Director UN Office for Outer Space Affairs

Introductory keynote on “Monitoring our planet from space”: Mr. Josef Aschbacher, Director General of the European Space Agency

Panellists (subject to further updates):
• Mr. Marcos Pontes, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil, former air force pilot and first South American astronaut in space
• Mr. Jean Loup Chrétien, a retired Général de Brigade in the Armée de l'Air de France and former CNES and NASA astronaut. He was the first Western European in space and the first non-American and non-Russian to perform an extra vehicular activity.
• Ms. Ilaria Cinelli, AIKO Space Autonomous Missions, Mentor of Space4Women network of UNOOSA, president of the Aerospace Human Factors Association
• Ms. Zainab Azim, Co-Founder of G.I.V.E and Youngest Member of Virgin Galactic's Future Astronaut Program

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