The COVID-19 pandemic is a major topic of interest for the SnT2021. The global nature of it produced a resilience test for many, and in particular for a global monitoring system, such as the CTBTO’s, that relies on continuous data gathering, transmission and analysis. The objective of this series of two events is to provide the audience with pertinent case histories and lessons learned from IMS stations e.g. during O&M activities, station upgrades or logistics challenges, faced by the station operators and PTS during the restrictions imposed by COVID-19.
Topics presented in Event 2 are (i) the basis on which INPRES, Argentina, was able to continue providing its essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic and how the face-to-face work and the use of Software for Telework and new work standards affected some PLCA/PS01 station metrics, (ii) how the COVID-19 restrictions affected the operation and maintenance of the IMS infrasound and radionuclide stations operated in Argentina by ARN, (iii) the technical and logistical challenges faced and overcome by INOCAR, Ecuador, while operating and maintaining IS20 and RN24 in Galapagos during the COVID-19 pandemic. (iv) A demonstration of how technical, environmental, logistical and administrative challenges faced at IS35 infrasound station, Namibia, in conjunction with COVID-19 lockdowns, were overcome to bring the station back to life and return it to mission capability, and (v) examples presented by CTBTO IDC/OPS of restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic that affected the resolution of operational issues with impact on timely data availability/data quality, together with contingency measures employed.