June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

CTBT 2026: Scaling up Youth Initiatives

Jun 29, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T5.3 - Capacity Building, Education, Communication and Public Awareness T5.3 e-poster session


Ms Milana Ozerina (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russian Federation)


2026 marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the CTBT and the establishment of the CTBTO. One of the most powerful tools that can help the CTBT enter into force is the young generation. We hope that the CTBT Youth Group could break this vicious circle.
We are aiming to establish a project to raise awareness for the young generation and to educate them. We have already assembled a team of activists and arranged sessions of 30-minute interactive seminars with NRNU MEPhI pre-university students. The target is to explain technical terms in simple words, plunge into history, briefly describe future possibilities, and to motivate them to join the CTBTO Youth Group. It can serve as a springboard for considerable actions relating to the CTBT.
We are deeply convinced that our generation is a generation that can change the world. We see that the future of the Organization and of the Treaty is youth. Our generation is full of strength and energy, we have a lot of opportunities and tools for implementation. Our world is changing rapidly, and we would like organizations to keep pace with these changes.

Promotional text

The proposals made by the authors can elevate the role of the CTBT among the young generation, meanwhile can serve as a springboard for considerable actions related to the CTBT's entry into force and lay the groundwork for closer contacts with the youth around the world.

Primary authors

Ms Milana Ozerina (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russian Federation) Ms Anastasia Salnikova (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Presentation materials

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