28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Introduce nuclear to the common people culturally by keris

29 Jun 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T5.3 - Capacity Building, Education, Communication and Public Awareness T5.3 e-poster session


Mr Arief R. Ismuharto (Indonesia Nuclear for Sustainable Benefits Promotor (INSuBP), Indonesia)


Introducing the concept of nuclear non-proliferation can be done with various approaches, including cultural approaches. Through the cultural approach, the introduction can be done by understanding the cultural products of a society, one of which is the Javanese society: a keris.

As a cultural product, Javanese people use keris as weapons or accessories or collections. For the Javanese indigenous people, the keris is not just an object, it is also believed to have spiritual or mystical values. The keris is believed to provide strength to its owner. People who hold a keris or are near a keris may feel different sensations.

Many researchers have found that the energy emitted by the keris produced by the constituent material which is a combination of iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, uranium and meteorite is the cause of the various sensations felt by the holder and the people around the keris. Various forms and phenomena surrounding the keris make it easier for the Javanese indigenous people to understand nuclear and radiation.

Keris is an example of a cultural object that we can use to introduce nuclear to the common people through a cultural approach. CTBTO can increase awareness about nuclear to the wider community through cooperation with several local cultures.

Promotional text

CTBTO can raise awareness about nuclear by means of culture through keris

Primary author

Mr Arief R. Ismuharto (Indonesia Nuclear for Sustainable Benefits Promotor (INSuBP), Indonesia)

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