From 2006, when Tunisian IMS station (PS42 and IS48) started sending data, the NDC-TN has made a concerted effort to effectively participate in the verification regime of the Treaty and to implement obtained knowledge and capacities at the national, regional and international levels.
This poster will give you an idea on how the NDC-TN:
• Ensures the smooth functioning of the stations and the maintenance at the first level as well as its participation in various exercises relating to the updating of the hardware and software of stations, such as IS48 and SSI upgrades, calibration, et cetera;
• Places a large importance on the development of national capacity building and the establishment of a methodology of work;
• Prioritizes data analysis (SHI and R) and contributes to the promotion of civil and scientific applications.
Promotional text
Tunisian NDC is making efforts to establish a methodology of work to implement capacity building methods and ensure the good functioning of the IMS stations in order to improve nuclear test monitoring and verification.