June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Scientific Promotion Programme for IMS data in Chile

Jun 29, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T5.3 - Capacity Building, Education, Communication and Public Awareness T5.3 e-poster session


Mr Christopher Celis Huaiquilaf (Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear), Santiago, Chile)


The National Data Center in Chile is established at the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission. Its principal mandate is to verify the compliance of the treaty and the storage of the data we receive. For this very reason, the NDC has a large amount of data available to be used by the scientific community. The problem is that this is not very well known today. To solve this issue, it started the Scientific Promotion Programme (SPP), whose objective is to develop data processing capabilities to promote their use in scientific research and to promote the diffusion of the CTBT and its benefits to our community. It offers opportunities to sign agreements with scientific institutions and ensure that this data is being used for pacific and civil purposes and not let its potential be neglected, because around the world, the potential of the IMS data to the promotion of science has been proven .This paper is about the steps followed to develop the SPP and the obstacles encountered during the process (for example: COVID-19) and the aspects that were identified and improved due to this programme at the Chilean NDC.

Promotional text

The main objective of this abstract is the scientific development through data availability for test ban verification and also cooperation with the scientific community to support national needs, exchange of knowledge and ideas between the National Data Center and this community.

Primary author

Mr Christopher Celis Huaiquilaf (Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear), Santiago, Chile)

Presentation materials