28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Improvements of data analysis and capacity building by NDC - Costa Rica using IMS stations and advances in updating NDC-in-box programs

29 Jun 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T5.3 - Capacity Building, Education, Communication and Public Awareness T5.3 e-poster session


Mr Hairo Villalobos (Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Costa Rica (OVSICORI), Costa Rica)


In recent years with the installation of the NDC-Costa Rica since 2010, improvements have been made in advances in data analysis by CTBTO tools to the states party of the treaty. On the part of the NDC-Costa Rica, the real-time inclusion of IMS seismic stations and OVSICORI local seismic stations for monitoring local, regional, global seismic and infrasonic events automatically through SeisComp 3 acquisition system included in the NDC-in-a box. With the different trainings by CTBTO, some analysis of events data has been carried out, such as: explosion in the Port of Beirut (2020-08-04 15:08 UTC) where IMS stations were used: I26DE, I42PT, I11CV, I17CI, I48TN (infrasound), BRTR, IDI, ASF, EIL, MMAI (seismic) and Stromboli Volcano eruption event in Italy (2019-07-03 14:45 UTC) through infrasound stations: I26DE, I37NO, I42PT, I48TN. In addition, in recent years all data analysis programs such as Geotool, DTK-GPMCC, DIVA, Webgrape, SeisComP 3 have been updated to be accessible to NDC-Costa Rica users for data analysis.

Promotional text

Increased infrastructure and data analysis capabilities at NDC Costa Rica

Primary author

Mr Hairo Villalobos (Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Costa Rica (OVSICORI), Costa Rica)

Presentation materials