28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Converging Knowledge and Technology Role on University’s Non-Proliferation Culture

29 Jun 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T5.3 - Capacity Building, Education, Communication and Public Awareness T5.3 e-poster session


Mr Artur Buzdugan (Technical University of Moldova, Chrisinau, Moldova)


University, indispensable for research, is one of the pillars of the prosperity and security of future generations. The diversification of research impose new ethical rigor hanging in the dissemination of the results. Responsible management of research in universities requires active commitments from relevant institutions.
The progress in free access to information on the internet shows an increase role of security in scientific and innovative databases, especially of unclassified information for various reasons for dual use materials and technologies. Research is most vulnerable to unethical use because it generates and provides knowledge, materials, methods and technologies that could be channeled into crime or terrorism. However, scientific researchers and engineers play a key and responsible role in non-proliferation. Researchers are the most knowledgeable and best placed professionally to assess the nature and seriousness of the potential for misuse of knowledge, products or technologies. In this way, they should be the most responsible for evaluating and reporting on these findings within the research institution and to relevant national bodies. It is imperative to implement an optional discipline related to engineering and non-proliferation for students specializing in research. Such an alternative or optional course is currently under development at the mentioned technical university center.

Promotional text

Convergence of engineering education, Research and Non-proliferation, Research Ethics

Primary author

Mr Artur Buzdugan (Technical University of Moldova, Chrisinau, Moldova)


Mr Aurelian Buzdugan (Moldova State University, Chrisinau, Moldova)

Presentation materials