Some countries have signed the CTBTO nuclear test ban treaty but are reluctant to ratify it. This can have several causes: Either their selfish aspect which can lead them to do not accept a total control by the preparatory commission of CTBTO, or the diplomatic relations are not very well strengthened between CTBTO and these countries.
We believe that the installation of National Data Centers (NDC) in these countries can be a necessary tool to gradually bring them to the ratification of the treaty.
The National Data Center promotes:
Continuous exchanges between the signatory country of the treaty and CTBTO
Strengthening diplomatic relations between CTBTO and the country
With the National Data Center, CTBTO has the possibility of organizing scientific trainings and capacity building activities in these countries in relation with the verification regime. The delegates of CTBTO will therefore be able to go to these countries and meet there scientific and political figures who are in the position of decision-making.
Such continuous exchanges can lead to very strong diplomatic relations that can push these countries to ratify the treaty.
Promotional text
Since the ratification of the treaty is a crucial element for it to enter into force, it is essential to seek the various diplomatic strategies which can help CTBTO to bring certain important countries to this ratification. This abstract helps to increase ideas for CTBTO