June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Carbon Dating. Ruined by Nuclear Testing?

Jul 1, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T5.2 - Experience with and Possible Additional Contributions to Issues of Global Concern such as Disaster Risk Mitigation, Climate Change Studies and Sustainable Development Goals T5.2 e-poster session


Mr Abdelmonem Khalifa (MISR - American College, Cairo, Egypt)Mr Elbaz Karim (The American Univerisity in Cairo, Cario, Egypt)


Following the spike of above ground nuclear testing in the 50s, carbon dating has become very difficult to perform and most scientists have started to move to other dating methods if they wished to date anything from the 50s to the this day. We look at how the fission products Carbon-14 and Cesium-137 have affected our environment and why it is important to ratify CTBT to prevent damage like this.

Promotional text

We examine how nuclear testing has permanently affected how we study our past.

Primary author

Mr Abdelmonem Khalifa (MISR - American College, Cairo, Egypt)


Mr Elbaz Karim (The American Univerisity in Cairo, Cario, Egypt)

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