The Chemical Weapons Convention is an international disarmament treaty intended to exclude completely the possibility of the use of chemical weapons. The Convention prohibits the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer or use of chemical weapons, and provides for the destruction of existing stockpiles. The Verification division (VER) provides support to the States Parties by technically assess compliance with their obligations and by implementing a credible verification regime. VER has done a project to identify improvements on its knowledge transfer processes. The project evaluate VER knowledge transfer activities and tools, identify gaps and propose corrective actions. The study presents lesson learned from knowledge transfer exercises and practical cases where the implementation of knowledge transfer processes results in improvement of operational processes efficiency. This is fundamental for the sustainability of the operational processes in organization with high turnover of expertise.
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The project highlight the importance of knowledge transfer processes and how a good implementation improve the efficiency of the operational process. This is fundamental for the sustainability of the operational processes in organization with high turnover of expertise.