June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Disarmament and Development Nexus and the CTBTO

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T5.1 - Science in Policy Discussions and Scientific Lessons Learned from Other Arms Control Agreements and Arrangements T5.1 e-poster session


Mr John Bernhard (Ambassador (ret.))


The CTBTO is recognized as a crucial disarmament and non-proliferation organization, and its monitoring technology and analysis methods are essential also for other key players like the IAEA and NPT, but its influence is not limited to security policy.
Economic and social development is dependent on a peaceful and secure environment, and on availability of resources, which instead of being spent on arms could be used for development. Therefore, there is a linkage between disarmament efforts and financing of development. Here, the Goals listed in the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development illustrate what the world's resources should rather be spent on Actually, economic development will strengthen most 2030 Goals and thereby also reduce the risk of armed conflicts. Disarmament is good for development, and development is good for disarmament.
Scientific expertise is essential for disarmament control mechanisms and the corresponding political organs, and it should be discussed where a dialogue between them,i.e.science diplomacy, can best take place. Besides e.g. the CTBTO and IAEA, the UN is a natural forum, as it covers all relevant aspects.

Promotional text

The abstract suggests ways and forums for science diplomacy, to strengthen the role of CTBTO and other disarmament organizations, in support also of achieving the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Primary author

Mr John Bernhard (Ambassador (ret.))

Presentation materials

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