June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Future of Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and its impact on the Non-Proliferation Regime

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T5.1 - Science in Policy Discussions and Scientific Lessons Learned from Other Arms Control Agreements and Arrangements T5.1 e-poster session


Ms Mishal Batool (Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan)


The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) has not entered into force, due to the non-ratification of 44 specific states. It is still not on the top priority of NWS, especially the US; therefore one should not expect it to enter into force in the near future. It still needs to be signed and ratified by all major powers. The Treaty has been called a ‘dead horse’ by several international scholars as well as the community worldwide. The prospects of the remaining states signing the CTBT have been fading constantly due to the consideration that the US will not ratify it even it endorsed in its US Nuclear Posture Review 2018. However, this paper also highlights how most of the world’s advance technological stockpiles were developed with the assistance of computer models simulation nuclear tests. Likewise, it has tried to review the positions held by the two nuclear South Asian countries on the CTBT as well.

Promotional text

Since none of the theme's sub-topics has mentioned its impact on other arms control and non proliferation regime, the paper will outline its future standings in the complex environment where no other state is taking any substantial measures for its ratification.

Primary author

Ms Mishal Batool (Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan)

Presentation materials