The CTBTO is developing a global verification network through its International Monitoring System (IMS) generating data managed by International Data Centre (IDC). IMS and IDC can be used as tools for nuclear and radiological applications and emergency preparedness. Locally, in States Signatories, CTBTO ensures a science-policy interface for wide dissemination of scientific knowledge to both decision-makers and the general public in general.
As the current COVID-19 pandemic is questioning the global preparedness and discrepancies between countries, it appears that an emergency plan and science are more important than ever for our societies.
The CTBTO can fill the gaps through its global network and data by acting as a leader organization promoting wider scientific engagement locally and reinforcing the multilateral cooperation globally.
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As the multilateral cooperation is more critical than ever, It is urgent to mobilize all the countries in CTBTO for dealing with science and policies at the international level.