June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Science and Technology as Major Policy Determinant of the Future

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T5.1 - Science in Policy Discussions and Scientific Lessons Learned from Other Arms Control Agreements and Arrangements T5.1 e-poster session


Mr Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah (National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan)


Today, the world has started relying on science more than ever before. Scientific data is becoming a predominant factor in reaching collective global and individual national decisions. Human social needs and individualistic behaviour vis-à-vis lifestyles are also changing with more and more dependency on technology. This all is hinting at science and technology predominantly deciding the future of this world. Technological developments across the globe will define the policy of States and thereby global policy towards major issues concerning humans. No other consideration than the scientifically determined facts through scientifically acquired data and thereby statistically projected trends will convince the decision makers. All international instruments of policy and mutual agreements between states have to align themselves with related technological sources. The need for the acquisition of more and more related technologies to be developed will also emerge out of the fast paced technological race between existing and newly emerging global powers. Technology is therefore likely to bring about massive policy changes whereby the whole global system will get redefined to fall in line with the existing and new technologies. The need therefore is to orient our global systems accordingly. All agreements without sound technological support will cease to exist in days to come.

Promotional text

Technologies of the future will define future of the global system. Virtuals are likely to dominate actuals at least in the foreseeable range of time.

Primary author

Mr Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah (National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan)

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