June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Impact Of COVID-19 On The Operations And Activities At The Developing NDCs Like Nigeria And Ghana

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T4.5 - Resilience of the CTBT Monitoring Regime, including Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic T4.5 e-poster session


Mr Awwal Bisallah (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Nigeria)


The global pandemic took the world by surprise with most countries unprepared for the consequences that came with it. With the understanding that different National Data Centres operate at different levels, it became important to determine some of the strategies that should be adopted by the Nigerian National Data Centre (NDC) and the Ghana NDC in order to ensure sustainability of activities at the NDC sites.
We focus on the extent of data requests from the International Data Centre (IDC), power supply, et cetera.
Ghana and Nigeria are looking at the level of the resilience of the Ghana NDC and the Nigeria NDC with a view to some improvements towards the enhancement of resiliency of the NDCs to enable them contribute significantly in the verification processes of the CTBT, despite all the challenges. The work compares power outages at the sites, data downloads, data analysis and the lessons learned over the period.

Promotional text

The project will ensure that lessons learned in the use of the CTBTO system during the COVID-19 pandemic are shared in a way that the work will ensure the sharing of ideas and adoption of best practices in the utilization of the National Data Centres during a pandemic of this mag

Primary authors

Mr Awwal Bisallah (Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Nigeria) Mrs Ruth Araba (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), Accra, Ghana)

Presentation materials

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