June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Adoption of new ways of working during the Pandemic.

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T4.5 - Resilience of the CTBT Monitoring Regime, including Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic T4.5 e-poster session


Mr Carlos Eduardo Bonfim (Army Technological Center, Brazil)


One of the great challenges during the pandemic crisis caused by COVID-19 was to adapt the way of working during the quarantine. Communication, organization and planning were fundamental pillars to manage the activities involving the research and analysis of the IMS data and IDC products.
One thing is certain, the tools of organization, management, communication and planning, contributed so that the activities could happen. Thus, facilitating the challenges of working in the home office since it is necessary to divide the time focused on work activities with the distractions of the house. Children who are in homeschooling, the presence of their parents, husband or wife, and even day-to-day functions, such as cooking and washing clothes.
This work aims to address the measures adopted by IDQBRN and OBSIS / (their department) for the continuity of activities during the global pandemic caused by COVID-19.

Promotional text

The work aims to contribute presenting the measures adopted by IDQBRN and OBSIS during quarantine in Brazil.

Primary authors

Mr Carlos Eduardo Bonfim (Army Technological Center, Brazil) Mr Brandow Neri (Seismological Observatory, University of Brasilia, Brazil) Mr Lucas Barros (Seismological Observatory, University of Brasilia, Brazil) Mr Edson Andrade (Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil)

Presentation materials