June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

INPRES seismic monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T4.5 - Resilience of the CTBT Monitoring Regime, including Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic T4.5 e-poster session


Mr Juan Pablo Aguiar (Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica (INPRES), San Juan, Argentina)


The National Institute for Seismic Prevention (INPRES) was able to continue providing its essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent quarantine thanks to remote operations.
INPRES' primary mandate is the development of the earthquake-resistant construction regulations and its continuous updating as well as seismic monitoring.
During the period of preventive and compulsory social isolation, called ASPO, duties carried out using remote and/or virtual platforms. All of them were managed by the use of the Electronic Document Management System (GDE), an integrated system for labeling, numbering, monitoring and recording of all actions and records of the Public Administration, based on Remote Digital Signature or PKI Cloud, with the database in the Arsat National Data Center.
The physical maintenance of the seismic stations during the ASPO period was on standby.
Once ASPO is finished and in return to face-to-face activities, preventive measures were followed, such as: personnel temperature monitoring upon entering the Institute, biometric sensing on entry / exit, use of the face mask, the reduction of working hours, avoiding sharing offices and official vehicles for transportation, in addition to those already imposed by government about distancing, PCR test requirements and the closure of the country's borders.

Promotional text

Procedures to carry out the seismic monitoring by the National Institute for Seismic Prevention of Argentina, INPRES, during the COVID-19 pandemic based on Remote Digital Signature, with database in a secure National Data Center.

Primary author

Mr Juan Pablo Aguiar (Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica (INPRES), San Juan, Argentina)

Presentation materials