June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

NDC-JO and ASF056 Seismic Auxiliary station in COVID-19 crisis and NDC-HOME in the future

Jul 2, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T4.5 - Resilience of the CTBT Monitoring Regime, including Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic T4.5 e-poster session


Mr Ali Alotoum (Jordan Seismological Observatory (JSO), Jordan)


To cope with the effects resulting from the COVID-19 crisis on normal duties and tasks for the NDC-JO, we have done our daily work from home using different technology, such as remote desktop connection, accessing IMS data and IDC product from the secure web portal using the Internet and installing NDC in a box software on personal computers. This will lead to a new idea for the NDC: NDC-HOME .
This presentation explores the operating methods and maintenance tasks for ASF056 during the COVID-19 crisis that are aimed at sustaining the functionality of station. It also sheds light on the problems, difficulties and challenges faced particularly when visiting the station. The laws imposed to prevent movement between regions have prompted us to take a set of necessary procedures through cooperation with the Crisis Management Center to solve the technical issues for the station, ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the ASF056 Seismic Auxiliary Station and maintain the general safety of people.
The presentation will address new practical experiences and lessons learned through the crisis that will surely develop more robust operation, maintenance, and sustainment plans and practices in the future.

Promotional text

NDC-JO and ASF056 Seismic Auxiliary station in COVID-19 crisis and NDC-HOME in the future

Primary author

Mr Ali Alotoum (Jordan Seismological Observatory (JSO), Jordan)

Presentation materials

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