28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Presentation of containerized solution and optimized power supply system

1 Jul 2021, 14:05
Location 3 (Online)

Location 3


Oral T4.3 - IT, Power Systems and other Enabling Technologies T4.3 - IT, Power Systems and other Enabling Technologies


Mr Leopold Riom (Enviroearth, Saint-Cannat, France)


The aim of this presentation is to introduce a range of new engineering systems recently developed and installed by Enviroearth and adapted to the whole IMS network. We will present a modular power supply system which allows flexibility to answer to any power supply need and configuration over the global network. These power systems are all equipped with their own state of health IT system allowing a continuous monitoring of information on the system operation via an accessible and user friendly dashboard. We will also present a series of plug and play equipment vaults and containerized system technologies that have been optimized to fit with all the topologies and technologies of the station within the IMS network. Over the past few years, we have worked on the improvement and the standardization of these systems to target more robustness and sustainability leading to better station data availability. We would like to present this knowledge and expertise on these products and introduce state-of-the-art systems adapted to the needs of the CTBTO with a focus on the verification options and assets that they are all offering.

Promotional text

Containerized Solution Technology and Power Supply are the “how know” of Enviroearth. We have designed, optimized, tested, installed, and operated a wide range of these System Solutions over each IMS Station technology and topology type and would like to present these knowledge.

Primary author

Mr Leopold Riom (Enviroearth, Saint-Cannat, France)


Mr Clement Bednarowicz (Enviroearth, Saint-Cannat, France)

Presentation materials