28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

The algorithm of infrasound signals network selection efficiency estimation

1 Jul 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T3.5 - Data Analysis Algorithms T3.5 e-poster session


Mr Andrey Rogovoi (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation)


The materials relative to impulse source detection from SnT 2015, 2017 and 2019 were summarized using methods of maximal likelihood ratio according on information collected at the infrasonic IMS stations.
New criteria of infrasound IMS station efficiency were defined according on priority areas of network selection method control.
The present work reveals the influence of the signal propagation rate on likelihood ratio, the relation of frequency and probability of false alarm during CTBT monitoring process.
The application procedure of the detection algorithm, selection algorithm and algorithm of preliminary identification were proposed.
Using obtained results the algorithm was enhanced and also specified an efficiency probability of infrasound IMS subsystem based on determination of detection operating parameters of impulse sources in atmosphere.

Promotional text

The materials relative to impulse source detection from SnT 2015, 2017 and 2019 were summarized using methods of maximal likelihood ratio according on information collected at the infrasonic IMS stations.

Primary author

Mr Andrey Rogovoi (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation)


Mr Iliya Gradusov (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation) Ms Tatiana Litvinenko (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation) Mr Igor Frolkin (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation) Mr Sergey Kniga (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation) Mr Igor Rybin (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation) Mr Dmitry Dolgov (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation) Mr Miroslav Goranov (Special Monitoring Service (SMS), Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russian Federation)

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