28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

On the requirements for validation data sets in potential future scientific projects for enhancing and developing methods to highlight possible nuclear explosion signatures in radionuclide monitoring

1 Jul 2021, 09:00


e-Poster T3.5 - Data Analysis Algorithms T3.5 e-poster session


Mr Martin B. Kalinowski (CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Vienna, Austria)


The discrimination between the highly variable radioxenon background caused by normal operations of nuclear facilities and CTBT-relevant events is a challenging but crucial task. For this reason, the radioxenon background at IMS noble gas systems must be sufficiently characterized and understood. The scientific methods and software tools to do this can still be significantly enhanced. This presentation summarizes relevant scientific project line-outs that would serve this purpose and make use of atmospheric transport modelling (ATM). These include methods for associating multiple samples to the same release event, provision of higher source location estimates, developing of the screening flag “ATM backtracking to known sources”, corrections to ATM in case of systematic discrepancies between observed and simulated concentrations from a known source due to complex terrain, land sea breeze, and mountains, as well as the use of isotopic ratio measurements for screening. For each of these possible projects, the atmospheric radioxenon measurement data required for developing and validating the methods and tools is described. These build on IMS noble gas measurements possibly supplemented by data from temporary experiments with transportable noble gas measurement systems.

Promotional text

This presentation describes possible scientific projects to develop among others methods for asociating multiple samples to the same radionuclide release event, for backtracking to known sources. It describes what radioxenon measurement data are required to validate the results.

Primary author

Mr Martin B. Kalinowski (CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Vienna, Austria)


Ms Jolanta Kusmierczyk-Michulec (CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Vienna, Austria) Mr Boxue Liu (CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Vienna, Austria) Ms Anne Tipka (CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Vienna, Austria)

Presentation materials