According to paragraph 69(d) of Part II of the Protocol to the CTBT, future OSI inspectors are permitted to analyse environmental samples from above, at and below the surface to detect anomalies. These analyses shall take place at the OSI field laboratory which must be designed for ready deployability, set-up and in-field operation.
The OSI action plan for 2016-2019 aimed at improving and testing the design of the OSI field laboratory in general and the set-up and in-field operations for radionuclide noble gas sample processing and analysis in particular. The configurations of the field laboratory with due regard to the specific requirements for measuring OSI relevant xenon and argon isotopes were assessed. The approach taken comprised the preparation of a draft layout and design of the next generation OSI field laboratory from the perspective of the requirements for radionuclide noble gas sampling and analysis.
This poster provides a summary of the layout and design of the next generation OSI field laboratory. It highlights the requirements, the current status and future improvements of the OSI field laboratory for the development of OSI capabilities.
Promotional text
The poster addresses the configuration requirements of the next generation OSI field laboratory, their status and future development and therefore contributes to the objective of identifying opportunities for improving verification.