June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

4-Mode GNSS Solution to OSI

Jul 1, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T3.1 - Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies T3.1 e-poster session


Mr Fuliang Chen (Space Star Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing, China)


Positioning and navigation are essential for inspectors in the Inspection Area, which is probably a place of nowhere in the world.They would lead the inspectors to the potential Ground Zero together with the guidance of OSI search logic.They are also very important for most of the OSI measurements, which are normally geo-referenced, such as SAMS, CPT, multispectral imaging. With the development of global satellite navigation system, including GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU, GNSS has already been a technical solution, which makes it possible to take advantages of all the existing major satellite navigation systems. This work would propose a 4-mode GNSS solution to OSI, which is compatible with all the existing satellite navigation systems and more reliable. It would also keep the balance of mission sufficiency and political awareness. Any of the GNSS system receiving channel could be blinded according to the ISP requirement out of the negotiation between IT and ISP during the future OSI. This system is designed to meet with field mission. Android system based hand-held tablet has a user-friendly interface, which would integrate more software applications meeting with inspectors’ customized requirements. It would also be very easily to be connected through network with OSI IIMS system.

Promotional text

This work carried out a study on 4-mode GNSS solution for OSI, which would provide an option for OSI positioning and navigation while keeping the balance of mission sufficiency and political awareness.

Primary author

Mr Fuliang Chen (Space Star Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing, China)


Mr Chao Xue (Space Star Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing, China) Mr Xinmin He (Hope Investment Development Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China) Mr Yang Xu (Hope investment Development Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China) Mr Xue Hang (Hope investment Development Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China) Mr Peng Li (Hope investment Development Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China)

Presentation materials