Noble gas stations installed on the IMS are designed to detect low level concentrations of radioxenon in the atmosphere. In order to improve sensitivity, one can either increase the volume of air sampled or lower the minimum detectable activity. Designing new detectors allows noble gas station developer to play on both grounds.
After 5 years of research and development, high resolution electron detector, the PIPSBox, based on silicon technology was created and implemented on the new generation of SPALAX system. Recently, work was conducted on designing a higher volume cell using pixelized silicon detectors. From this, a new sample cell, double sided by four 3 cm x 3 cm silicon pixels, was designed: the PIXELBox detector. Nevertheless, other silicon pixels configurations can also be considered in order to design well-type sample cells.
Simulation work regarding achievable efficiencies for such designs will be presented. Discussions on designs regarding their mechanical feasibility and extra features will be provided.
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Investigation for future detection systems desgined for radioxenon measurement