June 28, 2021 to July 2, 2021
Europe/Vienna timezone

Added value of low-cost seismic and infrasound sensors to local monitoring

Jul 1, 2021, 9:00 AM


e-Poster T3.1 - Design of Sensor Systems and Advanced Sensor Technologies T3.1 e-poster session


Ms Maria-Theresia Apoloner (Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria)


In the framework of a tabletop-exercise of the Austrian NDC scheduled ground detonations within a week in November 2020 were monitored. Therefore, a local network was deployed. Additional to the permanent seismic station ABNA in the vicinity, the NDC deployed two seismic broadband stations with co-located low-cost seismic and infrasound sensors as well as a mobile infrasound array.

After the location of the scheduled ground explosions further analysis of the waveform data was performed: we reviewed the quality of the different seismic sensors as well as the added value of the low-cost infrasound sensor. Additionally, we looked into the background noise at the newest permanent station ABNA of the Austrian Seismic network.

Promotional text

In the framework of a tabletop-exercise of the Austrian NDC scheduled ground detonations within a week in November 2020 were monitored. Therefore, a local network was deployed. Additional to the permanent seismic station ABNA in the vicinity, the NDC deployed two seismic broadban

Primary authors

Ms Maria-Theresia Apoloner (Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria) Ms Ulrike Mitterbauer (Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria) Mr Peter Mohr (Ministry of Defence, Vienna, Austria) Ms Fee-Alexandra Rodler (Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria)

Presentation materials