O3.6 Analysis of Radionuclide Monitoring Data
- Anders Ringbom (Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI))
- Abdelhakim Gheddou (CTBTO Preparatory Commission)
Atmospheric concentrations of radionuclides measured at International Monitoring System (IMS) stations can vary by an order of magnitude or more between neighboring stations and from one collection to the next due to changes in weather, emission rates of background sources and other local factors. Large spatiotemporal changes make it difficult to categorize elevated collections as anomalies of...
The Forensic Radionuclide Event Analysis and Reconstruction (FREAR) tool performs source reconstruction using a Bayesian inference framework. Using a statistical model of the radionuclide detection system and atmospheric transport models, FREAR infers and reconstructs the best emission source characteristics to fit the supplied observations. This powerful approach provides assessments...
The International Monitoring System operates a network of radionuclide technology monitoring stations. Historically, each measurement has been analysed separately to verify treaty compliance. Combining sample measurements, including detects and non-detects, invokes greater monitoring capability referred to as network power. A key steppingstone to obtaining network power is to objectively...
Inverse modelling allows to determine source parameters of an atmospheric release of radioactivity by combining atmospheric transport modelling and airborne radionuclide measurements in a statistically coherent manner. A series of inverse modelling experiments will be conducted using real-world Xe-133 observations from the International Monitoring System and the Forensic Radionuclide Event...
In the context of CTBT verification, radioxenon ratios can be used to discriminate between nuclear weapons domain signatures and nuclear facilities as plausible sources of the observed atmospheric radioactivity. This discrimination is accomplished by setting a screening flag threshold beyond which a radioxenon sample can be considered as being possibly of relevance from a nuclear explosion...