To be updated
[This panel discusses the mutual benefits between the CTBTO and Arabic-speaking countries. For many local experts engaging in the operation of IMS stations and serving at the National Data Centres (NDC) having the training and capacity-building materials in Arabic is beneficial. An excellent example was set with the NDC training for Arabic-speaking NDCs that was held in January 2020 at the Red Sea in Egypt. The NDCs in Arabic-speaking countries actively monitor nuclear explosion and prepare for On-site Inspection. Regional experts have made many significant contributions in using IMS data and advancing analysis methods for events in the region, such as the investigation of the unfortunate large atmospheric explosions of Beirut in 2020 or to studying natural disasters like the severe earthquakes in the Türkiye - Syria region in February 2023. Civil applications are also important for the region, IMS data are used for tsunami early warning in the Mediterranean. The organisation of the Integrated Field Experiment 2014 (IFE14) in Jordan provided important knowledge to prepare On-site Inspections, which will be relevant for future experiment.
The panel will be conducted in Arabic, giving an overview of recent experiences on the use of IMS data for verification purposes. The potential benefits for civil and scientific applications will also be discussed, in particular how the IMS technologies (waveform and radionuclide networks) can possibly complement other observation methods. The discussion will also cover the importance of regional cooperation between NDCs.]