Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Examples of U.S. Transparency and Verification Supporting Nuclear Nonproliferation

Jun 20, 2023, 3:00 PM


Invited talk Invited talks Highlight talk


Ms Corey Hinderstein (National Nuclear Security Administration)


The United States supports the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and is committed to work to achieve its entry into force, recognizing the significant challenges that lie ahead in reaching this goal. Consistent with the goals of the CTBT, the United States continues to observe a moratorium on nuclear explosive testing and calls on all states possessing nuclear weapons to declare or maintain such a moratorium. The United States has no plans to conduct a nuclear explosive test.

This invited talk will provide examples of transparency related to activities at U.S. nuclear security enterprise sites such as the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) and the national laboratories. The United States shares significant information about its plans and operations and is open with the international community about Stockpile Stewardship activities such as subcritical experiments and the recent fusion breakthrough as well as nonproliferation-related field experiments at NNSS.

Examples of U.S. support for the CTBT will also be discussed, including the recent acceptance of the next generation Xenon International noble gas analysis system for use in the International Monitoring System (IMS), IMS component testing, U.S. funding for the maintenance, operation, and improvement of its IMS stations, and extensive support for the International Data Centre Re engineering project.

Primary author

Ms Corey Hinderstein (National Nuclear Security Administration)

Presentation materials