Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Enhancing Tsunami Detection and Early Warning in Timor-Leste

Jun 21, 2023, 1:45 PM
Prinz Eugen Saal

Prinz Eugen Saal

Oral T5.2 Synergies with Global Challenges O5.2 Synergies with Global Challenges


Mr Ida Costa Babo (Civil Protection Authority)


Timor-Leste is a small country that lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire. According to Think Hazard, the entire country's exposure to earthquakes is high, which suggests that there is more than 20% chance of potentially-damaging earthquake shaking in the country in the next 50 years. Moreover, as a country surrounded by about 706 kilometres of coastline, it also faces the threat of tsunamis. In the last century, three tsunami episodes have been recorded along the country's northern coast. Currently, Timor-Leste is partnering with Australia and Indonesia to monitor earthquakes and tsunamis. However, issues with connectivity with neighbours' warning agencies have made it challenging to monitor earthquakes or tsunamis in real time. This weakness will seriously affect Timor-Leste's ability to provide timely warnings to evacuate or temporarily shut down facilities.
Timor-Leste, through the Civil Protection Authority (CPA), aims to strengthen its early warning system by rapidly acquiring and disseminating critical information on significant earthquakes that can potentially cause a tsunami. Through strong collaboration with CTBTO, the CPA would like to leverage the predictive analytic capacity of the International Monitoring System to issue timely warnings to save more lives.

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Detection and early warning in Timor-Leste

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Primary author

Mr Ida Costa Babo (Civil Protection Authority)

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