Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

What can On-Site Inspectors and Support Staff of the Inspected State Party Learn from Dealing with the Long Term Consequences of Radiological Emergencies?

Jun 21, 2023, 2:40 PM
Prinz Eugen Saal

Prinz Eugen Saal

Oral T4.5 On-Site Inspection Team Functionality O4.5 On-site Inspection Team functionality


Ms Thu Zar Win (Nagasaki University)


The Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents have shown that the so-called “co-expertise” process is an effective lever for empowering the people concerned in order to give them the means to make informed decisions concerning their own protection. In the event of an on-site inspection (OSI) under the CTBT, inspectors and support staff of the inspected State Party are likely to encounter radioactive contamination in the environment of the inspection area. This situation has similarities to the experience of residents of an area with radiation hazards due to a past radiation emergency. For this reason, the co-expertise process can be a model for training on-site inspectors and inspection teams and addressing their concerns about the consequences of radiological contamination in the OSI area. After a reminder of the constituent elements of the co-expertise approach, this presentation describes how the latter could be adapted to serve as a support for the preparation for inspection interventions.

Promotional text

This presentation describes how the experience of co-expertise can be a model to train on-site inspectors and inspecting parties and to deal with their concerns about the consequences of radiological contamination in the OSI area.

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Oral preference format in-person

Primary author

Ms Thu Zar Win (Nagasaki University)


Mr Jacques Lochard (Nagasaki University) Mr Martin B. Kalinowski (CTBTO Preparatory Commission)

Presentation materials