Jun 19 – 23, 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Potential Impact of Molten Salt Reactors on Radionuclide Stations of the International Monitoring System

Jun 20, 2023, 4:55 PM
Prinz Eugen Saal

Prinz Eugen Saal

Oral T2.4 Atmospheric and Subsurface Radionuclide Background and Dispersion O2.4 Atmospheric and Subsurface Radionuclide Background and Dispersion


Johnathan Slack (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL))


Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are a Generation IV nuclear reactor design that is currently under development and testing in various countries around the world. The molten fuel provides an opportunity for continuous processing of gaseous fission products which may impact the International Monitoring System (IMS). Simulations were performed for four MSR designs to predict the production of IMS-relevant radionuclides during batch and continuous reprocessing schemes. Radioxenon and radioiodine signatures were drawn from these simulations and compared to current reactor designs (BRW, PWR, RBMK). For the case of continuous reprocessing of the fuel salt, the radioxenon and radioiodine signatures were found to be indistinguishable from a nuclear explosion.

Promotional text

Predicting the impact of novel nuclear reactors on the background of the IMS is critical to system objectives and collaborative mitigation work with industry partners.

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Oral preference format pre-recorded video

Primary author

Johnathan Slack (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL))


Dr Cheslan Simpson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)) Ms Christine Johnson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)) Mr Jonathan Burnett (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)) Mr Manish Sharma (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL))

Presentation materials