19–23 Jun 2023
Hofburg Palace & Online
Europe/Vienna timezone

Standardization, conformity assessment and certification

20 Jun 2023, 17:30


Invited talk Invited talks Standardization


Mr Ravi Subramaniam (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE))


The need for common understanding and adoption of good practices and measurable ways to ensure safety and security in the development and deployment of different technologies are some of the "Raisons d'être" of standardization and certification. This presentation aims to create awareness about standardization, some areas of relevance for the CTBT, while encouraging dialogue with regards to standardization and certification gaps and needs.

Promotional text

What is standardization, conformity assessment and certification all about, how is it relevant to your work and what is IEEE´s work in these fields? Join us to hear more.

E-mail i.kitsara@ieee.org
Oral preference format in-person

Primary authors

Ms Irene Kitsara (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)) Mr Ravi Subramaniam (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE))

Presentation materials