10–14 Nov 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

Infrasound monitoring in Romania

Not scheduled
Oral Sources and Scientific applications


Daniela Veronica Ghica (Romania National Data Centre)


Three infrasound stations has been deployed on the Romanian territory by National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP): IPLOR 6-element array of 2.5 km aperture, in operation since 2009 in the central part of the country, BURARI 4-element research array of 1.2 km aperture, installed in July 2016, in the northern Romania, under a joint effort with Air Force Technical Application Center AFTAC (USA), and I67RO – a PTS portable 4-element array of 0.9 km aperture, installed in September 2016, in western Romania for two-year experiment, within a collaboration project with PTS/CTBTO. Infrasound data are processed and analyzed on routinely basis at NIEP by using a duo of infrasound detection-oriented software (DTK-GPMCC and DTK-DIVA) packaged in the CTBTO NDC-in-a-Box. We present the results of these activities, i.e. array monitoring performance: detection capability assessment, types of sources observed, capacity of fusing the detections into support of understanding various infragenic sources. Infrasonic signals generated by anthropogenic explosive sources and detected with the three arrays deployed on the Romanian territory are presented.

Primary author

Daniela Veronica Ghica (Romania National Data Centre)

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