In Jordanian National Data Center (NDC-JO) we are looking forward to a PTS portable infrasound array which will deploy for one year or more, within a collaboration project between JSO and PTS of the Preparatory Commission for CTBTO. This joint experiment aims to contribute in many important and interesting objects like: advanced understanding of infrasound sources in Middle East, training NDC-JO staff and to increasing and understanding the infrasound technique from the specialist and design makers. Through NDC-JO (Instruments and well trained technical staffs) and PTS helping, the data recorded by the infrasound arrays which will deploy in Jordan will process into detection arrival bulletins applying CEA/DASE PMCC algorithm embedded in DTK-GPMCC (extended CTBTO NDC-in-a-box) and WinPMCC software applications. The results will plot and analyze using DTK-DIVA software (extended CTBTO NDC-in-a-box), in order to assess detectability of each station, as well as the capacity of fusing detections into support of infrasound monitoring in general.