10–14 Nov 2019
Europe/Vienna timezone

CTBTO Infrasound, Seismic and Hydroacoustic Technologies to Enhance Velocity Model in Jordan and Surrounding Areas

Not scheduled
Poster Sources and Scientific applications


Ghassan Ahmad Sweidan (Jordan Seismological Observatory)


The Poster : Intrduction The modern area of infrasound studies was ushered in by the nuclear age, and the attendant needs to monitor the Earth and its atmosphere for clandestine nuclear test. Monitoring requirements became more eargent with the initiation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty CTBTO, Which sought to ban all nuclear tests.The IMS dat could become an important archive for researcher of the atmospheric phenomena that can undergo significant changes as a consequences of climatic change. There is a host of potential civil and scientific applications beyond using the data and their analysis to monitor compliance with the treaty as well as .These Applications can help mitigate the effects of natural or man made disasters, increase the weath of knowledge about our planet.

Primary author

Ghassan Ahmad Sweidan (Jordan Seismological Observatory)

Presentation materials

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