A quality assurance infrastructure for IMS infrasound measurements has been developed to comply with the certification, revalidation and calibration requirements defined in the Operational Manual for Infrasound Monitoring and the International Exchange of Infrasound Data (CTBT/WGB/TL-11,17/17/Rev.6). This quality assurance infrastructure follows guidance from the Report of Working Group B to the Third Session of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBT/PC/III/1/Add.2) on the development of a quality assurance programme. This infrastructure is based on international standards and best practices in the field of infrasound metrology, and resulted from international collaborations with experts in the fields of infrasound technology, infrasound sensor development, infrasound sensor testing and calibration, laboratory and field metrology, quality assurance, and international standardization. The objective of this presentation is to summarize the advances made on this work programme over the last two years. The presentation will also highlight how the significant work carried out by the expert community (work to be presented in the 10+ presentations of the ITW 2019 session on “Measurement Systems and Calibration”) actively supports this programme.