5–9 Nov 2018
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network

Not scheduled
Poster Poster session


Csenge Czanik (Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geodetic and Geophysical Institute,)


A new regional collaboration between four countries has been founded for the establishment of the Eastern European Infrasound Network. The network is formed by three infrasound arrays in Romania, two in Czechia and one in Hungary, and one more array is to be deployed later in this year in Austria. A Memorandum of Understanding for the collaboration was signed by the representatives of the member states in June 2018. All the parties are members of the Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe (ARISE) project. The infrasound sources and propagation conditions in the region were insufficiently studied in the past due to poor coverage of infrasound arrays. This regional network aims to contribute to advanced understanding of infrasound sources in Central Europe and to the continuation of the ARISE project as an expansion of the spatial coverage of the European infrasound network.

Primary author

Csenge Czanik (Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geodetic and Geophysical Institute,)

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