A series of events originating from Balakliia and Kalynivka both in Ukraine were recorded by the IMS network on 23 March 2017 and from the evening of September 26, 2017 to September 27, 2017 respectively. The location of events was estimated with seismic (AKASG, FINES) and infrasound (I43RU, I26DE, I31KZ, I37NO) monitoring data obtained from these IMS stations that recorded these events using GPMCC. The results obtained from analysing the seismic and infrasound data at NDC-NG for phase, magnitude, time and slowness were compared with that from IDC analysis. NDC-NG results were in substantial agreement with that of the IDC. The data availability and timeliness for the event from the IDC were also satisfactory. The Spectrogram for the stations shows wave energy covering a broad frequency range (0.5-20.0 Hz). The results from the analysis of infrasound data were consistent with the known back azimuth of the event and characterisation of the event pointed to a man-made event possibly an explosion.