Alexandr Smirnov
(Kazakhstan National Data Centre)
The Kazakh monitoring network consists of five seismic and three infrasound arrays. Seismic arrays are ABKAR, BVAR, KKAR, MKAR and Kurchatov Cross. Infrasound arrays are I31KZ, Kurchatov and Makanchi infrasound arrays. KazNDC also processes data of the Russian infrasound array I46RU. All the arrays record low-frequency signals mostly from North-West. A dominating source region of microbarom/microseism signals for Kazakhstani area is located in North Atlantic [Smirnov et al., 2010]. Time-dependent simulations of the microbarom/microseism source regions were made using a hydrodynamic model of ocean wave interactions developed by IFREMER. Comparisons between observations at the Kazakh monitoring network and modelling results are carried out.
Primary author
Alexandr Smirnov
(Kazakhstan National Data Centre)