Vincent Hubert Rene Figueres
(Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales)
We present an analysis of infrasound events that could be performed by the paraguayan National Data Center (NDC); equipped with a Capacity Building Center (CBS), supported by AutoDRM and using GeoPMCC software to analyze the waveforms. This mentioned software comes included in the NDC in A Box. As an example, we take is41 as main station in a registration period from October 2016 to June 2017, and using as auxiliary stations IS02, IS08 and IS09. In that period of time we were able to identify the signal spectrum of a hydroelectric dam and falls; we were also able to pick regional electrical storms; register a local microearthquake and earthquake boom.
Primary author
Vincent Hubert Rene Figueres
(Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales)